Wednesday, May 30, 2007 -
m0rnniingg wentt ferr e briieffiingg ;
kant wakke upp !

meet cy at her bustop at 9 .
ddanns went tu e ntuc .
she br0ught s0methiingg ;
sh0 .

ddans walkk tu mamashopp .
broughtt her sweets .
startiingg tu raiin .
ddan heaviierr ndd heavviierr !
runn tu maiin gate .

we fiirst tuu reachh !
no one one ;
lols !
ddans saw mingshun .
walk around e sch (:

ddans g0 e library ..

e briieffiingg liia0s .
went home .

ddans afternoon went out wiiff mama (:
br0ughtt a paiir of sh0es ndd baddmiint0n rackkett ndd e MUSHH ! (:
ii wann e s0t0ngg 0ne t0o !


Tuesday, May 29, 2007 -
iie whenn 0ut wiibb lengg ; qii ndd tiingg t0dayy (:
qii shh0 fast reachh maii h0uuse bust0pp .
she sms mye she comiing d0wnn ndd ii havenn prepare .
rushrush .

ndd ii dunnoe wadd tiime tuu meet marhhs . ii only noe 1+ x=
ddanns sms tiingg tell herr tuu come .
lallas ~

whenn ii k0me bckk 1 293 w/o t jus g0 ..
ii run osho no use one XD
cux tiingg osho haven reach XD

anyywayy ;
tiingg e reachiingg so0n ishh sl0w 0ne lorhs ~
budd siince bus jus went ;
nvm (:

went tuu sheelengg h0uuse d0wnnstaiirs playy baddmiint0n (:
playy ferr about 3o miins or shho ;
myye ndd tiingg thiirstyy x=
budd n0 c0iins .
shh0 went tu fiind e minimart ddans lengg saiid .

kant fiind !
shh0 jus g0 e bubble tea sh0pp ;
e auntyy gort giive us attiitudde lykk ddat lorhhs !
ndd tiingg br0ughht e forget love ishh so ..
it's mint -.-ll
let myye thiinkk 0f e ment0es .

ddans waiit ferr e frennchh friies shho longg .
ddanns ii t0ldd tiingg ;
qii ndd lengg laterr thhot we lost .
ddans thheyy really called us

ddans went bcckk lerhhs (:
rainingg .
shho kant playy .
askk sheelengg tuu briingg d0wnn s0me 0thherr game .
ndd it's lots !

went tu siit d0wnn at e v0iid deckk ndd playy .

playyedd happy famiilyy .
fiirst tiime ii help lengg worhh !
actually kann get 3 famiilyy .
budd siince g0nnaa fiiniishh .
jus gave her (:
sec0ndd r0undd .

ddans old maiid !
lols xP
shho funyy sehhs !
qii keep scare tuu takke from myye !
budd e fact ishh .
ii no habb old maiid !
scare wadd .

1st tiime ishh lengg old maiid ; second was tiingg . I TINK ?
i haf STM . shho kant rmb .
hahas ,

anyway ;
nxt play bomb .
i died very fcast .
how sadd .
anyway winnerr was ting (:

dan snake ndd ladderr
lengg snatchh wiibb myye redd c0l0r !
n0 ch0iice ;
to0k yell0w insteadd .

qii was actually e fastest bud insteadd she lost .

ndd we put viide0 0f e winniingg one !
except qi's
hahhas xD

ddans feel lykk playyiingg badmiint0n again .

went 7-11 tuu buyy cupp nooddles .
didn't eat .
wasn't hungry .

dan ii peii lengg g0 upp herr h0uuse tu put b0iil waterr ~

playyedd badmiint0n aggaiin
sho fun (:


Saturday, May 26, 2007 -
m0rnniingg wennt eat mcdd wiibb mum ..
saw quiite a n0. 0f junyuann e ppl wiibb parennts .

ii sms cy whenn she going .
ndd she say now .
bud when i reaach she wasnt there .
ndd whenn ii g0 still didnt saw her as whiile .

ddans she told myye it was herr mothher .

anyywayy ;
chherr diidnt say anything bad .
dat's go0d (:

yy a nn s ;
26o5o7 ;
9.23 pm .

Friday, May 25, 2007 -

0kayys !
havenn bl0gg few ddays .(:

t0dayy biig breakkfast !(;
ndd e fo0d suux .x=
cy say no faiir 0ne .
malays 0ne g0rt chickenn wiingg ours dunchh haff .
lols !

anyywayy ;

ndd tiina kn0ckk dda0 cy ddans her nasi lemak thrownn 0n e fl00rr .
ndd we havv tu help with cleaning up ..
haiis .

went tu classro0m takke ph0t0 ..

wentt tu e hall ferr e f0rum .
maii butt stuckk 0n e flo0rr lerhhs larhhs .
sh0o l0ngg .
shh0 stuffyy .

g0 bckk classro0m ..
cleann e tablee .
maii table shho diirtyy ):
ddans afterr schh takke s0me piics wiithh mr te0 ..
he's leavviingg us so0nn ):

he saiid 1 m0nthh afterr holiidayys he will go .
): !!!

afterr schh went eat suushii wiibb cy nndd xy (:

ddannS wentt tu ph0ebe h0uuse ;
ddans tu zx h0uuse .
-.=ll .

well .
at ph0ebe h0uuse in e endd (:
playy p0kkerr .
ndd labtop .
ndd bla.

anyywayy ;

whhat shouldd ii do ;
maii face gettiingg ffatterr !
yy a nn s ;
25o5o7 ;
8.4o pm .

Monday, May 21, 2007 -
fiinallyy g0ttenn bckk liiteratuure paperr .
chherr sayy she wad disapoiintedd wiithh e class ndd shh0 .
sayy we were 3rdd fr0m e b0tt0mm .
budd nort last kanns lerhhs wadd =x

okayys ;
it's dnt .
makke us do e surveyy .
ii didn't ch0se wad true .
later kena .
hahah .

ddans went bck .
ndd gave us dunnoe wad dat's .
ii wann redd colorr one !
budd ii gottenn blue .
how sadd .
ndd tiina gort redd .
ndd wad lykk !! ):
ii wann redd !

mathhs .
mr chhew wann us to siignn contract wiithh hiim sehh .
hahas .
promiise tu get wad bla bla .
ii jus a2 . =P
heck kare norhhs .

recess (:

ge0 .
wentt tuu ava ro0m ;
supp0se tu watchh sh0w .
budd kant playy ii tiinkk .
ndd dat's stupid julian hit maii headd wiithh e chaiir e legg .

shh0 went bckk class watchh ..
ii watchh till slp ;
although it was quite niice .

enggliishh .
ask us tu write reflection aboutt herr ndd e exam .
xy ; kim ndd myye wad toking non-stop ; rubbiishh .
lols !
thheyy haii wo de !
ddans ii go talk lykk e ms mole .
hahahahas .
ddans e shammimi they all l0ok at myye .
lols !
so ps .
ys was bhb sehhs .
lykk whu wann c0pyy herr sehhs .

art .
checkk markks .
ratherr badd .
anyywayy ;
her expectatiion was highh .

afterr schh went kfc eat .
clara siia00 .
everythiingg 0sh0 laughh .
lols !
hahahas .

ddans g0 pasamalam .
ii go buyy stickkerrs .
lols !
cux veryy cuute marhhs !
cy ndd xy t0o .
ii buyy quiite a few larhhs .
tiina say i childish ):
wad lorhhs x=

heree myye SA1 results ; nort overall .
ndd guess wad .
it's sux .
ii should haff w0rkk hardderr .
nvmm ;
there's still half a yearr .

enggliishh - 54 %
mathhs - 72 %
chiinese - 76.2 %
sciience - 5o %
ge0graphhyy - 84 %
liiteratuure - 7o %
dnt - 63.4 %
art - 62.5 %
h0pe ddat ca1 kann help myye ..

yy a nn s ;
21o5o7 ;
4.58 pm .

Saturday, May 19, 2007 -
went tuu bugiis wiithh mama t0dayy . (:
take mrt fr0m pasiir riis . (:
e seat shho wiide 0ne .
fiirst tiime see .
lols .
somemore diff color .
reachh liia0s .
went tu eat at v8 .
$3o .
ii payy one w0rhhs .
cux mothherr ddayys marhhs .
she last wk kant shho thiis week norhhs .
ddans went see cl0thhes .
mama buyy 2 ii buyy 1 .
ii berii go0d 0ne (:
g0 diiva .
br0ughht 2 necklace .
ii lykk w0rhhs . (:
ddans went bckk tu tampiines .
cux ii wann go bckk watchh wangg zii biiann qiingg wa .
ddat's all ;
byyes . (:
yy a nn s ;
19o5o7 ;
9.13 pm .

Thursday, May 17, 2007 -
n0ww at c0m labb 2 (:
anyywayy ;

LAONA ! (:


yy a nn s ;
18o5o7 ;
11.33 am

PE ;
chherr lett us cho0se tu plae baddmiint0nn 0r s0ccerr .
we plae baddmiint0nn . (:
yayy ;
myye ndd cy wiin hy .
hahhas .

mathhs paperr .
quiite disappooiintedd lorhhs .
haiis .
zx biian taii lorhh !
careless lorh ):

recess .

ge0graphhyy .
quiite happyy larhhs .
(: .
e one ii actually put marine parade dan i go change parkway parade .
dann wrongg ):
ndd one ii 4gt tu wriite one poiintt .
ddan oso wrongg .
why i so careless ):

sciiennce .
mr chhaw keep blammiingg hiimselff .
ii alm0st criiedd 0f wadd he sayy .
anyywayy ;
we will jiayouu e /(:

ndd weiqiingg ishh damnn badd .
he was lykk blamiingg mr chhaw .
it will breakks hiis hearrtt one lorhhs .
stuupiid weiiqiingg .

ate e biscuiit mr chhaw broughht .
niice (:

chiinese .
quiite happy wiithh e results to0 .
th0ughht ii w0uld failed bud i didnt (:

engg ;
saw paperr 2 ; maii heartt dr0pp .
budd luckiily paperr 1 pull myye upp .
thhankks paperr 1 ! (:

okayys ;
was sadd wiithh e results .
haiis .

anyywayy ;
overrall .
haiis .
terriibble lorhhs .

yy a nn s ;
17o5o7 ;
6.27 pm .

Tuesday, May 15, 2007 -
stuppiid sehh .
kant put piictuures .

anyywayy ;
went 0ut wiithh tiingg ; qii ; lengg t0dayy (:
meet at safrra .

myye ndd tiiingg meet at interchangge tuu g0 t0gethherr ..
we fiirst tuu reachh w0rhhs .
(: .
ddans so0n qii k0me liia0s .

waiit ferr lengg shh0 l0ngg w0rhhs .
cux shhe d0iin w0rkcrafft .
(: .

shh0 we went upp fiirst .
ddans we plae .

so0n ;
lengg k0me .
she dunchh wann tuu plae .

qii bec0me go0d liia0s l0rhhs .
ffiirst r0uundd ii 0nly iin 1 .

ddans sec0ndd r0undd ..
we take e ball instead lettiingg it drop tu e hole .

2ndd nndd 3rdd r0unndd dunnoe whuu wiinn .
nbbr c0untt .

ddanns qii ndd tiingg sayy thheyy hungryy .
sho0 went tuu eat ..
b0thh 0f demm eat l0ngg j0hnn .
ddans ii buyy sweet talkk ..

chat chat chat .

ddans went tuu sunplaza .
everythiingg lykk dunchh habb liia0s .
so0n sterr k00me .

we at there take 0ur piictuures .

ddans around 6.3o go home lerhhs .

alriigght ;
our famiily veryy c0mpliicatedd .
lols !
bbyes !

yy a nn s ;
15o4o7 ;
8.26 pm (:

Monday, May 14, 2007 -
m0rniingg went 0ut wiiff marmiie .
g0 eat hans .
lols .
e fiishh so much yu xin weii e .

ddans g0 see shh0es .
ii wann buyy !!!
marmiie nbbr buyy ferr myye .
bu hao de .

ddans g0 ts buyy e tank ndd genie e cd (:
ii wann buyy angela e osho !!

ddans go this fashion buyy clothhes .
1 lo0k lykk pregnant woman .
hahaha .
bud di lykk marhhs .
plus 1 small jacket .

ddans g0 h0me lerhhs .
papa siickk w0rhhx .
mus g0 e wadd cl0t blo0d .

laterr still mus pei marrmiie g0 eat e diinnerr .
maii yuan diian .
kant watchh .

n0thhiingg muchh tuu p0st lerhhs .
bbyye . (:

yy a nn s ;
140507 ;
16.25 ;

Saturday, May 12, 2007 - new day ; new bl0g ; new yanns (:
here's maiis neww bl0gg (:
kant rmbb e liinkks .
shho jus put some fiirst (:
if eu all get tu pass by maii blogg ;
rmbb tuu askk myye tu liinkk euu all w0rhhx .
ndd ;
rmbb tuu liinkk myye to0 .
bbye (:

yy a nn s ;

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♥ Lamyan
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