Wednesday, June 27, 2007
WEDNESDAY (: okayys; fiirst periiod was chiinese. (: d0 grpp w0rkk (: budd iie was d0iin engg reflectiion instead. XD nxt was fn. okay; done e mindmap. iie haven complete larhhs! ): budd overall ; today fn nort boriingg larhhs. whyy today nort practical.. ): liiteratuure. siiann. changge cherr. ddan giive us e tiimee. nort enuf time at all larh. iie hate her. iie wann ms hidaya ): unfair why our class changge nort otherr.. ): recess. ate piizza (: ddans after recess we nbr sit outside class dan go parade sq. awhile nia. lame. -.- ddans maths. (: ddat's all! bckk home playyiingg maple. ii lvling slow. lols. ndd! keep laggiinn out larhhsss. ): BBYE XDDD. Monday, June 25, 2007
after schh wentt out wiithh chiinggyee (:went tuu buyy SOMETHING XD. okays. ddans went library do hw. guaii kiias XD ddan home. okayys. stopp calliingg me a doll. it hurts myye okayys. iie dunnoe whyy hurts myye. BUDBUD. jus don call me ddat. it's rude !! >:( n0w at h0me d0iingg hw. maths damn lots. how. kant finish at all. zzz! ): forget it larhhs! chinese spelliingg osho dunchh care ! too tiiredd. haiis.): Friday, June 22, 2007
went out wiithh lengg ndd tiingg todayy again (: lalalas ~ meet wiithh tiingg at interchange mcd. ddans went cs cut haiir. gort guyy. lol. -.- ddanns d0wann g0 there. lols. x= ddans lengg sayy she reachh lerhhs. go find her. ddans cut haiir. maii haiir's funny. lols. =/ ddans went buy e chocolate XDD nice nice. quit ex lurhhs. went tm arcade (: ddans wentt eat at pastamania (: lengg nbr eat again -.- went tiingg houuse . bloggiingg n0w XD Thursday, June 21, 2007
went out wiithh tiingg ndd lengg t0dayy (: was late. x= went s11 eat. leng didn't eat cux she had her muffins. lols. ddans nxt went tu buyy driinks. cold one plus $o.15. wth -.- wentt liibrary d0 hw. lols. didn't do alot. lols. no choice. shall continue with more tomorrow. rmb tu bring storybook tu do bk review. lols. mus complete bk review by tomorrow. >< okays. ddans gort one lady ask us help her take care of her lap top. lols. nxt went tu mini toons. buyy something (: ddans we go to0k ne0 (: lols. we so longg nbr takke. nort veryy niice xP ddans walk here ndd there. lols. XD went arcade xD went cs. e pers0n keep give us e chocolate eat. lols. niice anyway xD Monday, June 18, 2007
went out with chinggyee ; juliiann ndd huayang tuu kb0x t0dayy; 0kayys lazy tu blog (: Friday, June 8, 2007
went out ytdd wiithh marmiie. xD went eat pastamaniia. tryy e riice. nicenice. xD ddans went tu isetan. iie saw e earriinggg iie wanna buyy. ndd it's quiite cheapp .. budd in e endd nbbr buyy =/ anywayy ; euu mus waiitt fer myye. cux iie will g0 buyy euu one !! ddans went see e dhoes ytdd iie saw wiiff cy. iie wanna buyy. budd e color no mai size liiaos. sadd.. shho told mama go dmk see . siince e shoes kame from there. xD saw e earriingg shopp outsiide dmk . ahh ! so damn niice. lols. x= ndd so. iie broughtt e earriingg. budd nort e shoes. probably nxt tiime. shhoe ! mus waiit ferr myye kayys . XD ddans br0ughtt e eyeshadow. wees. actually $15 budd 1o% discount. lols. iie payy one lehhs . =/ baddiie marrmiie =/ okayys; ddans went mini toons broughtt sweets. HOME XD Thursday, June 7, 2007
wentt 0ut wiibb chiinggyee aiaii t0dayy xD she call me suddenly askk myye meet. so gan =/ reach ndd zx haven wake up. lols. sho went shopp shopp fiirst . xD went buyy rubberrbandd . ddans toilet tie lo. ddans go mcd buyy seaweed friies. wanna buyy e tiickkett ferr mann iin whiite. budd sold out lerhhs. so went cs one. gort wor xD budd is 2.15 one. so went arcade ferr e meann tiime. lalala. playy e game. no faiir. suppose gett 2 pckk of sweets budd get one onlyy. one tiime we dunnoe ddan anyhow press. haishais =/ went buyy e nachoo. so awful x= gv one nicer. kann go in ler. lols. nicenice xD e starting so scaryy. ddan thot ish wad. CHEY ! ishh e ghost watching ghost moviie . -.-ll budd overall e show's funnyy xD ddans went tu metro. e person help cy draw e eye-lining. . lols. niice xD budd e below e blue sux x= ndd herr eye become largerr . xD iie diie osho dowan x= ddans when isetan see shoes;bag . ddans she go wiipe away it -.- anyway ; iie wann buyy e shoes !! ): Monday, June 4, 2007
went out jus n0w wiibb marrmiie ndd siisterr. xD went eat sushii. afterr ddat went metro. buyy ____. ndd sh0es. XD. anyyway; chosen mai results ndd save ler. 1st ch0iice : 3e1. 2ndd ch0iice : 3e3. 3rdd ch0iice : 3e4. 4thh ch0iice : 3e5. 5thh ch0iice : 3e6. 6thh ch0iice : 3e2. surely kant get in 3e3 or 3e4 shho ch0se 3e1. think kann get in ? lols . XD anyywayy ; fwennS ! ii'm alriight n0w . XD. Friday, June 1, 2007
t0ddayy diidnnt feel g0odd. iie criied. iie hadd n0 iideaa whyy. iie jus felt thhat maii heart wasn't feeliingg well. ndd. iie kant control. =/ n0b0dyy ferr myye tuu shhare maii feeliinggs. iie feel lykk shoutingg out loudd. budd. ii kant. ii gort nothhiingg tu shout. dunchh feel lykk bloggiingg. even onliine osho nothhiing tu do. wadd shall iie d0. |
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