Friday, July 27, 2007
class familyy tiime ;D mr teo he last family time with us lerhs. really sad. haiis. he's quite a nice cher okaes. ;D bye mr teo. we will miss eu one. ;D art. cher say mine niice worhs. x= budd iie feel ddat it;s ugly. f3. tina color till very nice lorhs. red ; orange nd yellow. it's a go0d c0l0r tu use. ;D pe. run 2.4 stupid larh. iie gort D lehhs! 16.4o. iie sad okaes. ]x iie keep stopping. iie dono why. ]x thanks clara fer helping me at e front. keep saying don run iie hit eu. xp. ndd juliian ferr helping at e back. THANKS ALOT. ;D. although still get D. sob. ddans overall 25 p0iints. SILVER. ]X iie wan a GOLD. ]X JULIAN! eu say wan help me nd cy nxt nxt wk in 2.4 one arh. ;D recess. went eat. ;D english. write e draft. nowadays eng ish NICER ;D. maths. haf e test. WOOTS. iie LOVE chpt 8. ;D Tuesday, July 24, 2007
fiirst periiod hiistoryy. cherr gave us a survey whether we are chosiingg ge0 0r hiist0ryy. 0f cuz ge0graphhy. xp recess. [x fn. discuss tu do e wad dishes. partner with ys. haven decide wad tu co0k yet. [x maths. haf a mob quiz. [x after dat. iie understandd more. [x mt. get bck compo. [[x ndd do zuo ye, nd bla. scii. cherr teachh. budd iie don understand. how. whu kan save me. ]x nafra after sch. [[x all diid quiite go0d except shuttle run. 12.12 lehhs! >.< 3 p0iints niias. ]]x sob! tiina s0rt e n0rh. e standing board jump cher ask her jump again tu help her get better mark she dowan. nd. ys so pr0 in standing board jump. 19o. FER GIRLS LEHS. SHE PRO. [X we say jiayou nd ask her tu jump. dan she scold us. hit cy. p0orr cy. =/ okaes. iie mus jy ferr 2.4 [[x diidnt do last wk as nort here. MUS GET GOLD. JYJY YAN [X Friday, July 20, 2007
diidnt g0 schh t0dayy. to0 tiiredd lerhhs. ndd somemore gort flu ndd sore throat. at home plae maple. lvled twice [x in e m0rning [x afternoon watching dvd. jiayou jinshun [x ddans niight g0 schh. we all all no parents go one . [x e choiice of class change ler. o.o. gort 2 3 scii class. 3e3 ndd 3e4. iie wann go e4 lehhs x= cuz 3e3 shld alot ppl go bahs xp haiis. budd maii scii no gd. ]x budd! iie will jy one x] Wednesday, July 18, 2007
![]() changed int0 c0stumes ndd therefore late. we change till 7.25. ddan don dare go up. kim sms shamimi ask dem kome down. lols. ddans ask dem go tell mr chaw. ddans we're safe. [x so ps lurhs. wearing e costume. ><. engliishh fiirst periiodd. cherr askk us wriite about wadd happen in e morning. LOLS. iie wrote we don dare go up. x= ddans scii. go scii labb. nothing tu do. lols. x= recess. no time tu eat. cuz go hall. -.- it. do e apples thiing. =/ chinese. gort china ppl kome out class. [x e group work they tink kan le. LOLS. cuz they too chim. i don understand at all. ]x maths. do w ws. xD ddans up hall. ;D ddans 1.45 dismissed le! WOOTS. [X went change. me tina nd cy went eat kfc. [x nnd brought some stickers nd bkmark again [x okaes. home. [x nd yea. iie gort in 3e1. [x ZHAN SHI. [X zx say she regret. hahas cuz tina cy nd me all put e1. [x Friday, July 13, 2007
art. haff tu c0l0r fiiniishh. siians. iie col0r so ugly norhs. sure fail. pe. run 3 roundd. iie run so slow. 3 round ledi 12.53. 4th round hw? )X recess. saw e china pe0ple. lols. english. d0 e rep0rt ferr e grpp pr0ject. maths. learnn e graphh. lols. after schh gort oral. gort e mark range. damn bad? min of 66%. tina 69% !!! zx 54%. ddans. cy nd ys dowan tell me. )X after ddat went ys hse do . lalas~ left with rehearsal with titus only. haishais. Thursday, July 12, 2007
fiirst periiod was mt. ddans chherr ssay e chiina pe0ple k0miingg tu 2e2 cuz of e gd cher. LOL. -.- ish cuz we gd narhhs. xp recess. diidn't eat. iie standd at e 1st stall waiit ferr ddem tu buyy . ddan e om say dunch stand here. say wadd don ask ppl buy. ddans iie sayy iie nbr ask mai fwen tu buy wad. ddans he say iie tok bckk. nbr lurhs. idiot siias. s0 0ld still be wad om. only noe hw tu bi bi nia. liiteratuure. discuss about e pr0ject.. emms. iie tiinkk e chherr nort badd norhhs. xD iie lykk PLAYS . XD. hiist0ryy. vahiid diidnt kome. HURRAY. d0 liiteratuure instead. xD FN. swiitchh chherr. WOOTS. XD. hw iie wiishh 4ever lyk dat. xp engg. go liibrary d0 e mindmap. ddans after doiin go tok with ys nd zx~ lalas. thheyy so gd norhhs. same grp. saddnness. le0n sayy iie fat. ddan iie say zx fatter ddan myye. ddans she pushh me. SHHO HARD. DAMN PAIN. ): budd; LEON EU FATTER. X= afterr schh go ys hse do pr0ject. fun + fun . xD HUIQI. rmb return mai apron!!! Thursday, July 5, 2007
0kayys; fiirstlyy ; HAPPY BUFFDDAY TIINAA XDD gave herr present durriingg recess (: tadas! she gave mee ndd cy gave e neckalce very cuute. xD ddanns.. afterr schh went outt xD tiina late sehhs. x= shou xiin p0!! x= went d0wnt0wnn eaSt e arcadde. theyy g0 catchh e thiinggs. iie dowann. LOLS. cuz iie noe iie kant one. x= ddans went plae e basketball one. weee.xD me ndd cy hiit 105 worhs. although very low x= budd at least gort wiin ddem norhhs! thheyy 64 0nlyy xP plae till.. lols xd plae otherr games too. actually wann giive herr buffdday bashh. budd shee ndd cy gtg lerhs. hence; we went breadtalk there buy one small strawberry cake ferr herr. ddans take piic xD TADA; TINA. EU WILL HAF BELATEDD BUFFDAY BASH. DON WORRY XDXD Sunday, July 1, 2007
went out with leng ; esther ; tiingg ndd qii t0day. tu celebrate esther belated bufday. sorry last wk no time. psps. okayys. meet at library. they all late! =x ddans at library there discuss whr tu go. lols. in e endd g0 parkwae. me ndd lengg g0 fo0d c0urt eat dan they g0 eat l0ng j0hn. jus ate on fri sho dowan. lols. e foodcourt no space. ndd about 1o mins. finally found! -.- okaes. after dat me nd lengg go buyy drinkk at cold storage. saw tiing's mum. lol. ddans went long john silver find dem. xD we went arcade nxt. lol. iie prefer last time e. which was a few yrs ago. lols. xP ddans went bck tampines. xD qi ting ndd me went ting hse tu prepare. xD ferr e water bomb! xDD estherr ; iie put e waterr in e plastic till maii handd.. hais. x= ddans end e dae xD + |
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