Friday, August 31, 2007
firstly. HAPPY TEACHER DAY. XD. m0rniingg meet earliierr tu decorate e class. bud in e end jus draw on e board only. cuz e ballon burst. -.- went tu do e workout. lols. nbr do dao. big breakfast at class ;D wait fer cher kome dan eat. hehes ;D dan we gave him e pen nd e pencil fiirst. plus e card. as fer e bear it later on ;D took class photo ;D go hall. gort e torch award. so warm lorhs. yay. teddy bear award mr chaw won. ddans xy went up gave him e bear. it's was shared by e 7 ob us.. xueyi. clara. chingyee.tina.huayang.weiqing ndd me. plus e pen lurhs ;D went tu gongshang after dat. leng kant folo us she had tu go orchard tu make her teeth? lols sho boring lurhs. no ppl one. only e few ob us. ddan e gongshang gort fire?! lol. dan ting went fer her bbq. jael yiying nd me went jael house. plae mahjong. first tym ii played? lols. ddan 4+ went bck home. Thursday, August 30, 2007
after schh went buyy teacher day present (: .haiis. saw e results at ilink. so sad norhs ]x mai fn only get 6o lehhs. dan english worst lurhs. 57.. haiis. maths more disappointed ]x Wednesday, August 29, 2007
a b0riingg dday ahhead ;D lols. had NIC in e m0rning. nd felt lyk slping lurh? english ddans. g0 thru e c0mpre. sciience. comtiinue wiithh chpt 1o. nd. mr chaw was nice. he knew dat we were tired. dan didnt teach much! ;D recess <33. IT. cut e vide0. bud they say wan red0 e cy e part. haiis.. so mafan ]x chinese. d0 e g0ng han. ii dunch even n0e wad tu write. whyy ii shos tupid. =/ mathhs. cherr show us our results. it was sad lur. haiis. 12 marks. 12 marks. 12 marks!! bud quite happily. iie saw e chinese ta results. encai gort a1 nd me nd cy was e only one hu gort a2 woots! ;D learn e sexual education -.- ii was busy filing ;D talk about e big breakfast. nd mr chaw was too kind? he wanted tu pay fer us when it was teacher day. mcd lehhs. shho expensiive. ddans we say dowan ;D we PAY ourself ;D bud he insisted on paying. so in e end. he pay $1oo. nd we pay $1oo. lyk wasting his money. ohh. ><. Tuesday, August 28, 2007
fiirst periiod historyy.gort bckk history ta. YAY. 22.5/25 [[x budbud. very wad lorhs. e inference ii wriite e same point dan 3m only ]x e MPAJA iie 4gt tu wriite dat it's oraganised mai malaya people. OSHO minus 0.5 marks. e section c q2 iie gort all e points lorrrr. budbud. cherr sayy we nbr organised in paragrah. minus 1 mark WTF?! dan mai mark so yuan wang.]x stupid. x= recess. didnt eat. do e classrm deco instead ;D fn. do e crossword puzzle. done dan cy say xy lyk cutting her hand. zz. maths. gort bck paper. 31/5o. really sad. ]x iie counted. 12 marks careless. orelse iie would get 43/5o. bud wad kan i sae? why iie so stupiid. why why why. why ii always so careless. history lyk dat. sci lyk dat. maths worst still. WHYY. chinese. no mood tu do e work. scii. cherr teachh ddan listen ;D do e eng at e mean tym. after sch went eat with mama. ;D haiis. NOMOOD ]X Monday, August 27, 2007
0h well. fiirst periiod wad sciience. gort bck our ta paper. gort 37. iie gort 3 careless. mai 3 points fly awae. -.- history. suppose kan take bck paper. bud no hab. cuz he haven mark. -.-. cuz he thur nd fri nort in sch~~!!!! recess ;D liiteratuure. gort bck e paper we did. 4/10 .... ii don lykk diis cherrrrr ]x english. do e project on bullying. xD ndd izyan bullying aishah. LOL. pulling her maomao. x= HAHAHA. maths. nbr get bck our ta cuz jermey haven do. dan weiqing help him. ddan iie tell cher. dan jeremy scold me. ISH HE OWNSELF CHEAT ONE WADDD. WALAO . sciience again. cher ask us do e decorations. WEE. did e deco until 4.3o. =/ haiis. veryy scare abouyt e maths ta!! ]x iie tiink iie will fail lurhs. cher say me nd cy xiong duo ji shao.. ]]x okaes. frii ishh celebrating teacher's day. go bck gongshang ;D Friday, August 24, 2007
siians~!today hab maths ta. IIE GONNA FAIL. SOBS. Tuesday, August 21, 2007
lalalas. 3 tas dis wk. ]x wed thur nd fri. sci history nd maths. iie damn scare larhs ]x who kan teachhhh meeee. especiially hiistoryy ]x SAVE ME LEHS. ]X Friday, August 17, 2007
s0bs.maii leg nd hand now very pain. hand gort one cut . ]x leg gort alot blue-black. ndd gort blood osho. SOBS. very paiin laaaaa. today e current so high still ask us go ]x STUPIID ]X don feel lyk goiin e nxt wk. ish test anywae. cuz iie surely FAIL XD. haishais. Thursday, August 16, 2007
after sch went swiiming withh chiingyee. she teachh me. lols. iie swim veryy funny. keep goiin left side. x= siian . iie still kant swim. ]x kan swim kant float. kan float kant swim wth?! bud luckily tomorrow gort life jacket. so kan swim kan ler. bud iie swim very slow norh x= iie wann learnn ~!! Wednesday, August 15, 2007
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 0kaes. t0day's a unlucky day~!! ]x fiirst perii0d engg. e tym s0 sl0w 0ne. x= scii. gave bck our test. 13/20. sobs.. recess. xD it. cher bckk. he say e relief cher nort go0d 0ne. nbr tell us dis nd dat. x= mt. e cher dono how tu mark one larr~!!!!!! nbr gimme mai mark lor. actually kan get 54 e. dan all e q minus one mark become 5o. stupid. ]x maths. do do do xD assembly. xy t0ld me mai bag gort water kome out. walao. ish mai water bottle lurhs. ddans all mai bo0k.. WAAA]X. ddan gort brown brown color koming out lorhs. later ppl thot iie kome dat one x= okaes. SUAY ENUF. don say ler. okaes. thanks fer cy;tina nd zx fer helping mai bag. f3. actually wan do e sci project bud in e end go tm. lols. we g0 eat fiirst xD ddans zx nd xy cut hair. zx lyk no diff x= ddans clara gtg ler. dan left 4 of us. they go buy present fer ph0ebe. ;D me nd cy brought ler ;DD ddans go buy lolipop in e mean tym ;D ddans at e open plaza to0k piics. ddan HOME LER XD. siians. frii still niid go kayaing. don wish tu go. ]x since zx nort goiin too. iie maybe don go too lurhs.. Monday, August 13, 2007
t0day g0rt bck 2 test paper nd done one test.]x wee~! full markk ferr history ;D bud. chinese. 49/7o. ]]x dat cher dono how tu mark one lor~! wad write long osho minus mark. FCUK LA. iie wan mr teo. ]x siian. e sci test osho surely fail. e almost get 11/2o. ]x siians. don niid go 3e4 lerhs. cuz surely fail. ]x Friday, August 10, 2007
okaes. been weeks since ii last posted ;D t0dayy celebrate natii0nal dday ;D met cy 6.3o at e small gate. small gate didn't open. cy was late by 1omin. lols. went sch put e fo0d. ddanx g0 buy ice nd bread. okaes. e cermonae. wasted lots tym. zz ddanx fo0d nd fun fair lerhs. kns. our games store sarks lurhs. no busiiness one. lols. ddan fo0d st0re betterr 'DD budd we overall only earn $3o2.. ]x after sch g0 celebrate leng bufdae. wad a boring dae. lolx. we g0 qi h0uuse fiirst since our movie ish 3.3o. at her house plae -.- ddans go buy mos burger, ddans late lurhs. miss 2o mins of e show,secret. okaes. e show was niice lurhhs 'DD iie wanna watch alone to0 ;D |
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