Saturday, September 29, 2007
hadd engglishh ndd mt paperr1 ytdd.quiite hardd ><. gonna faiil. ]]x mus jyy 0n paperr 2 liia0s ]]x Tuesday, September 25, 2007
fiirst periiod was history.doing e boring group work again. he said i do oine wrong. wadd lurhs. iie told yingshan ii do similar she do different one lur! budd she nbr do! ]]x recess. went to look fer ms kanni to chat. nothing to do with e boys. xD fn. mdm teo was back. quite missed her anyway. nd. gort bck mai test paper. 35/4o. yays. buddd. tiina gort half mark more dan me. lols! nd mdm teo was talking story about her. lols. she say nort sure thur gort practical anort! ]x mathhs. continue learning mode.median nd mean. xD. chinese. gort bck our CA2 paperr nd e zuo wen we done recently. YAY. CA2 GORT FULL MARKS. XD. budd. it's jus e paper. nort overall of ca2. lols. =/ nd zuo wen nort good lur ]]x sciience. do chpt 11-14 e work. dunnoe how to do. lols! after sch actually wan go ask mr chaw fer sci. bud went out instead. xD go eat at mos burgerr. xD. go gett maii helen fl0werrhaiirband. THANKS HUAYANG FER MAI BUFDAY PRESENT. althoughh it's still early. budbud. iie lykk e crown one also. it's much more cheaper. xD. it;s $13.9o. while e flower one ish $25.9o. II WAN E CROWNNNNNNNN ONEEEEEEEEEE! ]X after ddat went buyy riingg. me xy nd cy buy same one. xD dan went bck sch. we studyy at ms kanni room. instead, ii playing with phoebe. oh well. shall studyy e next time. hahs! nd yay. i didn't fail mai history test! yays! bud nort suyre how much i get. bud it's lower dan 2o. aww. ]x okaes! cya ferr todayy. gonna watchh tv! xD nd. they gort new name fer our pet. xD. mine sotong ish tongtong! xD chingyee mushroom ish roomroom.xD xueyi tortise was tortor! cute isnt it? hahas xD Sunday, September 23, 2007
stop saying how good eu are nd how bad i one ish perfect lur. including eu. Friday, September 21, 2007
![]() artt fiirst periiod. didnt feel lyk drawing at all. sighh.. PE. played soccerr. iie lykk so lan lurhs. ]x recess. ate dan go bck class d0 summaryy. english. haf tu write about e NIC. haven pass up =/ maths. do group work nd learn mean. ms kani called jeremy gary and julian say they are getting canning iie shocked lurhs? ddan after schh we went find ms kani. asking her why they g0iin tuu get canning. bud. we told her nort to give dem cannign lurhs. ddans. mr silvar asked jeremy tu kome in nd scolded him. andd we chattedd.. went food balance with xueyi chingyee nd ms kani. chat chat. eat eat. damn bloated =/ after dat went tm. broughtt presents ! xD went tu e helen shop dan iie saw e flower hairband! DAMN NICE!!! ii wann buyyyy. ii pay %1o deposit. xP cuz iie nort enuf money. HUAYANG. eu mus return me money. as mai persent. iie veryy kind le lurhs. actually ask eu buy e piglet. bud now let eu buy e hairband! xD sobbs. budd no more piglet fer me dan. ]]x e piglet frmo minitoons shho cute lurhhs! budd veryy ex lehhs. $6o. haiis. T.T ddans me cy nd xueyi to0ks s0me piictures as while as shoppiingg. xD disliking " ~~ " more nd more.. Wednesday, September 19, 2007
didn't come to school today. did anyone missed me? xD. okaes. well. there's 3 test tomorrow. nd ii haven start revising any. literature. fn and chinese. literature. wad to study. =/ fn. 3 chpt lehs. so much. chinese. DON NID STUDY! XD. lols. kan anyone tell me wad tu study fer literature. nd wad's gonna out fer fn T.T Tuesday, September 18, 2007
HAPPY BIRTHHDAYY HUITING.XD.lykk e present we gave marhhs. must lyk it more dan e pooh worhs! although e pooh ish cute.xD ermms. didnt blog on sunday. so didn't haf chance tu say happy birthday tu huiqi on blog. so. HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY HUIQI. SIIANS! iie gonna fail mai history test. ]x Friday, September 14, 2007
please stop ur fucking action. it's irrtating. nd don say me of wadeva when eu don haf e prove. and who eu think eu are. eu haf no right tu call me names or wad. final means final. if eu gonna say me again. iie gonna make eu suffer. ii nort kidding. Thursday, September 6, 2007
t0dayy wentt 0ut wiith cy ndd zx. went eat at the food junction. ddan saw one guy. wearing two line dat shirt. ddan lu xiong one. LOLS. cy say his one so big. LOLS. X= ddans went arcade. jus went in saw e campus superstar e benjamiin. lols. ddans afterwards saw shawn. cy say shawn very childish. running here nd there. lols. chingyee say gort ppl call me bud iie dunnoe lehhs. -.-. went tu neoprint shop. actually wan take bud dowan. lols. walaoos. e arcade e game. ii 2 tyms at major prize there bud.. =/ cy saw e one hu call me bud iie dunnoe ish hu lai e -.-. dono e ppl noe mai name?! lol. ddan went rehearse e lit. bud without tina -.- ddan went home take clothes wan go swimming one. budd close!! -.- so went bck home plae neopets. XD. Monday, September 3, 2007
siians. thiis week sayy wann studyy one. budd it turns out tu be playing nd playing. lols. iie kant control. wad shld ie do =/ well. shall waiit till exams ddat wk dan study bahs. x= anyway. e nearer it is. e more iie kan get in into mai brain. well. shall continue playing neopets and pokemon lerhs. x= ii'm childish enuf tu plae dat. x=
haf history lesson in e morning.2n2 was damn noisy. very irrtating lehs. nort lyk out class so quiiet. lols. after dat. went fer kayaking. xuanqi veryy funny. about 12.45. she ask me when kayaking start. lol! ddan faster ask her kome. dan she took mdm umi car. waaa! so good lor. ii oso wan ]x didn't went tu water bud jus do on land one. cuz raining very heavily. sho nxt month ddan go. 2o of oct. by e tym ledi 4gt ler lor? -.- glad dat we passed fer land one ;D |
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