Wednesday, October 31, 2007
finishedd watchingg secret garden 2 [: andd have watchhedd r0mantic princess till ep7. mus waiit till mon ddenn gort ep8. shho longg! budd ddat show niice lurhs [: funnyy ndd cute. hahas. [: sho now goin watch whywhylove [: alot shows waiting fer me larhs! LOLs [: Sunday, October 28, 2007
0kaes. backk fr0m camp ;D fiirst dday start off with pitching our tent. ndd dden gadget making. out patrol e slowest. hahas. cuz they didnt told us tu do ndd we were there practising others things as while as chatting. budd maii patrol only gort 5 ppl derhs . no fair. =/ budd luckily jowilynn ndd phoebe kome help ;D dden telematch. okaes. our grpp 3rdd [: ourdoor co0king were next. although e beehoon no taste bud still kan eat. [: iie lykk e fishball budd marlene say its half-co0k. isiz? why iie tiinkk so niice arhs. LOLs. budd iie luuveeeee fishball [: next was GAMEEEE. lols. e sec4 guyys kome ndd scare us. lols. we blindfolded and walk around e schh. lols. nort scaryy derhhs. budd marlene keep saying scary. lols. bud starting scare cuz dunnoe gort wad. budd in e end -.- budd maii hair gort alot flour! dden they say iie old ALOT. lol! dden CLEANUP. YIPEEE -.- s0me when b0ys t0ilet ndd they say gort xiia0 qiiang. lols! ph0ebe say girls toilet osho gort. bud iie didnt saw [; actually kan sleep with fwens bud ms laub kome dden we change! ]; budd iin e endd iie osho sleep with phoebe ndd ziixuann. budd iie diidnt sleep! shho warm =/ iie thiink iie slept fer 1h. 3.3o to 4.3o [: budd around 1 plus me marlene nd phoebe go canteen talk. too bored lerhs! [: Second Day was wake by their sounds. especially chingyee's ndd phoebe's. hahas. bud nbm [: when brush teeth dden plae cheat. omg. iie keep losing =/ dden ate breakfast, unpitch tent. dden here we go fer kayaking. E INSTRUCTERS SIMPLY SUCKS. ESPECIALLY DAT UGLY BITCH. FUCK OFFF. KEEP SCOLDING US. KOME DAT ONE ARH. OR WAD. OR DITCH BY BOYFRIEND. AND DON LET US HOLD HAND TO GO DOWN makke me scratchh maiiself. mai poor hand! cuz of e rock ]: budd e few of us did pretty alright. budd some didnt. dden gort scolded. SO? didnt do well. SO? kannort arh. dden say l;eft 3o mins. wad she do? scold us. wth. iie hate her. dden all of us didnt even learn capsize nd rescue. wth. noob instructer. dden went bck. brought cookiies. [: anyway. e camp was alright except fer e kayak! - Thursday, October 25, 2007
![]() ![]() ![]() didnt p0st e class ph0t0 ndd n0w shall p0st (X Wednesday, October 24, 2007
0kaes! last dayy 0f schh (x. fiirst hr hadd tu clean e classro0m. ndd we clean till very tired. lols! recess. we stayyed in class doiingg nothinigg. it was too bored anyway! ]x liiterature. watch movie. bud instead. played murderer. cuz e movie nort nice tu watch one. lols. half an h of history. continue watching blood diamond. finally watchhed finish! it's a nice show. nd archer was a nice guy ddat he actually askked dem tu go first nd he died. gort bck report bo0k at e last period. results was nort bad to me ;D. 3/4o in class nd 15/236 in level . hope kan get in 3e3 ;D. budd 2e4 was veryy pr0 lurhs. zx say xq nd jowilynn 5th nd 6th in class dan get 1oth nd 12th. waliiaos. their class so clever ]x. getting signature of everyone. ys insist on nort signing . ]x. bud iie didnt get everyone because no more time. ]x. how sad. iie will miss dis class although we haf mani misunderstanding. bud it's a good class rather. good bye. mai dear 2e2. [x. Tuesday, October 23, 2007
n0w at schh c0m labb.n0thiingg tu d0 shh0 k0me p0st. tiingg sayy her class gort more dan half chose 3e4. lol! so popular. x= ddats all? xD
fiirst periiod was e reflection which iie thiink was useless? -.- dden continue tu watch e movie. quiite niice iie thiink ;D recess. ;D suppose tu be fn bud instead we went tu choose e classes we wanted e next year. here's mai choiice ;D. 1st choiice ; 3e3. 2ndd ; 3e4. 3rdd ; 3e1. 4thh ; 3e2. 5thh ; 3e6. 6thh ; 3e5. althoughh maii lit wasnt very good. budd iie don wish tu choose dnt or fn!. shho put e1 nd e2 before e5 nd e6. awws. iie really hope that iie would get in 3e3. pleasee. ]]x. plus. iie wanns maii fwen tu get in as while. [[x. pleasee!! okaes. after dat was maths. cher showed us e class e MSG. it was okae ;D. ddans clara was drawing e whole class picture. how nice of her tu help us draw! after maths went meeting fer guiides. kenna scolded. -.- nbm. iie WILL go fer kayaking NO MATTER wadd. even if iie will FAIL. bud iie will TRY mai BEST. X= after sch went out with mama ;D. went eat dden shopp shopp. ndd brought 1 white shorts. finally iie had a whitie one .-.- ddats all! ;D Friday, October 19, 2007
0kays! third p0st fer t0day ! ;D went tu gym with tina cy nd zx. ddats all. x= thiink n0rt buyying cy present s0 fast. jus bring her nd choose one present ndd dats it. lols. cuz really no time tu buy. s0rry lurhs. cuz we wan go buy dan eu always folo us. 0kaes. nd mai mum brought me a white jacket ! YIPEEE. ;D nd she osho brought me a white ds! YIPEEEEE ;D. everything's white. pure nd clean. ;D. II LOVE WHITE. ;D
YAN. JYJY.YOU KAN GET IN 3E3 ONE. BELIEVE IN URSELF. That's what iie used tu lied tu maiself. that's a beautiful lie. bud it's gonna break on the 11 nov because of mai noob results. kan anyone help me tu keep this beautiful lie?
iie hate ur attitude.Thursday, October 18, 2007
m0rnniingg g0rt e results fer sBQ. 9/24. FAILED BADILY. I DAMN SAD LAH. ]X bud luckily mai section a nd c pull me up. gort 69.. zx gort 69.5!!! chinese. correct e ans dan watched movie. niice worhs ! ;D recess. went help guides tu sell cookies. literature. cher scolding us of being e last class for literature. lols. suppose tu be history bud check marks instead. gort e marks fer dis semester. get in as while ]x. fn. mdm teo tok tok we listen listen. lols. english. discuss about class magazine. went tu eat sushi with zx tina nd cy. okays. here's e marks fer this semester. ;D. combination of CA2 ND SA2. ;D. English- 61.8%. Mother Tongue-76.5%. Maths-83.8%. Science-81.5%. History-7o.8%. Literature-55.9%.][ this kant help =/ ][ Art-72.8%. FN-76.6%. bud's jus dis semester nort whole yr. HOW SAD ]X. if whole yr dan .. hais. thiink kant get in 3e3 ler. ys nd tina wan go 3e4. cy wan go 3e1. zx say 3e3 or 3e4. iie nd xy wan 3e3. bud iie kant get in as while ]x. Wednesday, October 17, 2007
g0rt bck results t0day. ]x. englishh. 61%. maii paperr 1 sux! pull me down ltos. ]x TINA AND ZX BOTH WIN ME ]X. chinese. 74.3%. YAY. ii second in class. xP. although nort a1. LOLs. bud encai worst. 83. !!! literature. worst of all. 5o% VERY DE SAD. ]X. Maths. 86%. best of all although nort very good. cuz iie stupid mah ]x history. didnt noe e marks fer sBQ. bud was glad dat iie didnt fail! xD nd iie pass ler! 6o ;D bud. mai sBQ no hope ler. sure fail. didnt do Q2 nd didnt finish Q4. T.T PLEASE GOD. GIMME 15 MARKS. ]X Sciience. WHOLE CLASS PASS. ;D nd mr chaw was happy. 82%. ;D bud. ziixuann! don say ii biian tai. ur lit more bian taii! ]]x bud huiting more bian tai lurhs. 9X ferr maths nd sciience! bu gen ni hao ler. x= jk ;D. decided tu go 3e3 lerhs. cuz 3e4 ii wan BOTH bio nd amaths. ]x. bud iie thiink iie kant get in. haiis. ]]x. no way fer 3e1 le. mai lit sux lor! ]x anyway. GOOD LUK FER ME SBQ. PLEASEEEE. Monday, October 15, 2007
Haiis! this few days at home veryyyyyy siians. anyway. getting results tomorrow. nervous lurh. x= scare will fail. really no confidence in any of the subjects. kan god help me change mai marks ]x dis few days at youtube watching secret garden. xD Saturday, October 13, 2007
saw chingyee's latest p0st.and she said dat she wasnt angry bcuz of us budd wad mr chew had said. felt relief after all dat she wasnt angry ? nort sure either. okaes. now at home very sian. haven read finish e storybook lent from zx. yay. finally done mai puzzle. XD Friday, October 12, 2007
wentt sciience centree t0day. ^^. dunnoe what happen to chingyee. she jus suddenly angryy lur. probably we asked mr chew our results. dan cher say her results nort good. bud he osho say mine nort good wad. ndd we didnt continue on asking wad. nor we compare. you always think wad YOU THINK. nort WE THINK ; E FACT. since eu treat me dat wae. iie shall treat eu e wae as while. wad's friendship. it's DUNG. shho went with tina ys nd zx instead. Wednesday, October 10, 2007
YAYS.EXAMS OVER.XD. gonna fail all subjects iie thiink? xD lols. next wedd ddans get bckk paperr. nd h0liidays p0stp0nedd till 26! cherr say they no tym. who ask dem 5 days of exam kan stretchh till 3 weeks. jus placed it in 1 wk ndd will enuf tym marhs. siians. ]]x. Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Hadd 2 paperr agaiin t0dayy. sciiennce fiirst. lol. thhot ddat was 7.15 starts sch lur. go sch so early. wthh -.- sciience paperr fiirst. quiite easy ? BUD. MCQ I ALOT WRONG. ]]X. nd wad ish diamotic ? lols. gort one question abt e foodchain one. ddan ii dono how to do. lol. cuz iie thiinking thot both frog nd sparrow eat caterpillar? dan no choice write sparrow eat frog. lols. MT P2. dat james wee came in ddan e chinese started at 11.35. while malay start at 11.3o. nd i had no tym to finish mai last question. T.T 0kaes. last paperr ddan dat's it. xD dono wad tu study. lol. cuz sun iie ledii studyy xD JY EVERYONE. JUS LAST BIT. XDD Sunday, October 7, 2007
0kaes. Saturday, October 6, 2007
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() didnt post ytdd. shho post today instead. ;D. firstly. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CLARA. XD. nd me osho. x= went out wiithh cy tu marina square. others kant. ]]x. aww. bud nbm. let's make it another day. ;D we sang lots lots. ;D nd e first tym we went tu such a big room! bud we changed after dat. lols. cuz dat one very big x= emms. thhankks ferr e presents! ;D. piglet nd cakke- jiie. turtle ndd necklace- cy;zx;xy;clara;phoebe;tina. fl0werr haiirband - huayang. nort much . bud iie lyk it. xD. mama nd papa say gonna bring me buy after exams. awws ]]x. haiis. haven start revising. x= gonan go revise mai maths nd history ler! ND. kan anyone teach me hiistory SBQ. Thursday, October 4, 2007
SOBS.REALLY SADDDD. t0dayy's exam b0th nbr finish!!! iie suure faiil ler larhhs. =/ lost hope. get in 3e4? dream off. nd literature was? DIFFICULT. |
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