Monday, March 31, 2008
late for school todayy! faint. stupid bus. lols. okayyyy, had biology test. gonna fail again. i q2 actually write correct one, but go liquid away. faint. and athena didnt know there's somemore question behind and she didnt do. oh dear. if not she's gonna top chew was funny. he said that he was me and chingyee on saturday and wave at me when he was near me but i didnt saw. lol. cant blame me. i look straight but not side. lols. athena also say she call me also i dont know one. lol, oh dear. you 're getting old lamyan! andandnad! todayy i saw lurhs. then juliet cheat my feelings man. x: and after school went tm with fatima yh cy and xq. and tomorrow choosing acl pl etc. i hope can be one of them. but it's not possible. so sad. Friday, March 28, 2008
finally back to post! computer spoiled :l how saddeningggggg. okayy, sure got people miss me one rightttt! :D anywayyy, have 2 sciences test for ytd and today. oh dear. i flunk both paper. i'm failing! mr chew says the only way for me to improve my physics was to go to mr lau's nilb. i wonder why.anywayyyy. did shutter run todayy. run damn slow. needa improve. no time for me to run again todayy. so had to run again the next time. hope there's such time. okayyys, and after school had guides. xuanqi and chingyee was fierce. LOL. and i felt that ahemsssss! x: told marlene and jowilynn about it. hahh :D then was quite boring anywayy, helping with the drinks and so~ and in e end need to wash up. oh dearrrrrr! had a hard time washing those items man. sicko. and before ending guides, had to put up necklace for the senior. put up for janeeeee. hahh . i will miss those seniors. remember to miss me too yea. :D anyway, i wonder who the ACL. ANDAND! smthing happen during guides. while playing the move it. the da zhi de fall down and step onto the chair and the chair scratch my leg. oh dear. red red and got blue blackk. stupidddddddddd. went jogging at stadium with fatima, yonghui and careen. oh well! their stamina was good. i first round already stomach pain. because of the 1oo plus. drank too much. oh dear. lols. then athena joined us after her cca. fatima! thanks for helping me. she was funny yea. told me that da dong was at the ending point, reminding me to run ! i love you fatima! :D athena also helped me! love ya. thankkkks! :D i love my friends. woohooo! :D do you people love me too? x: Wednesday, March 19, 2008
todayy's school was boringggg! booooo! lols. continue with speech, and still left with 1o people who haven done their speech i think. lols. and mrs tan says that we are gonna have 5 periods of chemistry next wednesday. oh my. i dowan to faint man. mr ng is so jian x: LOL. he didnt tell mrs tan it was 5 period lehs. then she thot 4 periods nia. lol. mr ng coming back on next week. so done our pop quiz. lol. can discuss derhs somemoreeeeee. mrs tan says that we had to sit according to register no. from tomorrow onwards. oh dear. very infront mannnn. i no wannnnnn. :l because becauuseeeeee! okay, after school pei chingyee go find mr chaw. and he says cant teach us biology ]: nbm! he gave us chocolates. a lot. omg. 6 each. i gave 2 to raman, 1 to xuanqi and 1 to zhenyanggg. ramn was greeddyyy man. but i very kidn, gave him 2. hahahaha! kind lamyan! :D anddddd, mr chew says we werent guai, and he asked mrs shankar. mrs shankar say not guai, is very guai. oh dearrr! how niceeeee :D and that raman keep laughing at me. :l and zhenyang say i like barbie doll. EEE. so ugly. LOL. x: okayy, accompany chingyee go cut hair. me and xuanqi almost fall asleep. lols. x: andand! i finally know xuanqi's secret. hahahaha x: Tuesday, March 18, 2008
ohno! today damn happy sio. :D all thanks to jowy for thaking away my pain . i love you! :D okayy, continue with speech todayy. eh, no fair lehs. cher give more hint nowwwww. then hose doing on tomorrow is better sehh. so nice. i also wan ]:and during chinese lesson, tcher show us a video. then got natural blusher. LOL. and xuanqi very luo suo. x: becauseeeeeee. she keep wann on ge ge jiao luo. LOL. keep repeating somemore. but i wrote a fullstop before that. hohoho! :D okay, guides next. do reflection. is i do one man. if never come how. LOL. x: but very ugly larhs. lol. nbm whattttt. x: and ahems was the one who order us. omg. LOL. x: next tue is xuanqiiiiii. x: lol. i wonder who acl. then will ahems be my grp pl? omggggg. :l and after guides went kfc eat. didnt regret go there eat. :DD. gone crazyy. lol. now then i know cindy also from jupiter. yay, i got fwenn. becausee. jupiter too big liaos. hard to find her. LOL. jupiter people really likes to laugh:D. that's why jupiter people are so healthy man :D lol, and i now then know marlene so auntie man. x: LOL. aunty marlene and auntie jowilynn! :D and marlene say i also auntie because i'm her sotong mei. LOL. Monday, March 17, 2008
lol, today at hall accidently slap xuanqi's back. then dont know why very hard sia. dont purposely oneeeee. x: sorry xuanqi! x: and from hall we see why got 2 thailand one. thot only 1. then yuanlai one is his brother. LOL. okay, new classmate is call paul! hello paul! :D english needa do speech. oh dear. i was the second one to be called. i was mentally preapred because 5 is a common no. but i thot wun be so fat. but. sigh. i say till very lousy seh. damn nervous. x: jowilynn and remus did a good job lurhs. win liao lurhs copyright chingyee. LOL. then after chh change place. sat with juliet. infront got yonghui, behind got athenaaaa. woooh :D. but jowilynn and xuanqi very farrrrr ]: Sunday, March 16, 2008
i dont know what to write for the speech!]: discipline. sigh sigh. anyone can help meeeee. ]:Friday, March 14, 2008
from kerrie's blogg.1. name one person who make you laugh last night. marlene. 2.What were you doing at 0800? sleeping :D 3.What were you doing 30 minutes ago? playing online mahjong. 4.What happened to you in 2006? i was sec1. LOL. 5.What was the last thing you said out loud? mai le jiu mai le, hai zhe me luo suo. 6.How many beverages did you have today? 1. 7. What color is your hairbrush purple. 8.What was the last thing you paid for? ice lemon tea! 9. Where were you last night? marlene house then mineeee. 10.What color is your front door? pink. 11.Where do you keep your change? wallet. 12.What's the weather like today? VERY WARMM. X: 13.What's the best ice-cream flavor? chocolate chips! :D 14.What excites you? sharing secrets! :D 15.Do you want to cut your hair? i just cut, but i want a haircut again :D 16.Are you over the age of 25? i'm only 15! :D 17.Do you talk a lot? i dont know. [: sometimes yes, sometimes no. 18.Do you watch the O.C.? may i know what's that. LOL. 19.Do you know anyone named Steven? no. 21.Are you a jealous person? i dont know. x: sometimes yes, sometimes no. 22.Name a friend whose name starts with the letter 'A'. Athenaaaa 23.Name a friend whose name starts with the letter 'K'. Kerrie. 24.Who's the first person on your received call list? xuanqi. 25.What does the last text message you received say? ok, i bring to you on monday. 26.Do you chew on your straw? yes. x: 27.Do you have curly hair? yes, my top hairrrrr. 28.Where's the next place you're going to? where my tv is. x: 29.Who's the rudest person in your life? *ahems*. 30.What was the last thing you ate? chocolate cakeeeee. :D 31.Will you get married in the future? if someone wants me. 32.What's the best movie you've seen in the past 2 week? SKY OF LOVE! :D 33.Is there anyone you like right now? yesyes. x: 34.When was the last time you did the dishes? last year.LOL. 35.Are you currently depressed? yea. 36.Did you cry today? yeaa. 37.Why did you answer and post this? cause kerrie ask me to. lols. 38.Tag 5 people who would do this survey. whoever~
我好痛苦! i finally know how you feel, jowilynn. but cindy says it wasnt. lol. oh well, i have a nice chat with marlene and jowilynn yesterdayyy [: i can hug them and cry, but i chose not to. and i did cried. 2 tears. is it enough? maybe if i hug them and cry i'll feel better. oh well. :l can i hug anyone and cry nowwwww. keeping everything to yourself wasnt nice. it's terribleeeeeeeeee. its nice to say out, but i still feel terrible. how. i need a big cryy mannn. andand. marlene is my sotong sister! becauseee,jowilynn say both she and me are blur -.- ohdear. :l Wednesday, March 12, 2008
![]() ![]() ![]() went watch sky of love with athena, fatima, yonghui, jowilynn, xuanqi, juliet and chingyee. :D. jowy overslept. :O. lol, so watched 2 one insteadd. went eat first. and then went shop shop. we all have a les partner. hahas. :D. omg, sky of love damn nice lahhhhhh. make my eye redd. and the guy so shuai sia. somemore he so sweet to the girl xD. but. they can do the thing at library one sia -.-. lol. fatima and athena keep laughing sia. he die also laugh. LOL. they crazy x: then they say is me and chingyee make them laugh, where got. i only say my marsca drop whatttt. funny mehs. -.- then went bugis.juliet went home. took neoprints. then chingyee and xuanqi went buy the necklace thingy for guides. then the 4 of us talk about primary school. LOL. hahaha. :D. then they say we noisy sia ]: where got. then at mrt, they all keep tsktsktsk. omg omg omg. i keep thinking of shamila. :l AHH! I LOVE SKY OF LOVE. WOOHOOO. THE GUY DAMN SHUAI LAAAAAAAAA. :D i wan him! x: Tuesday, March 11, 2008
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() seriously tired. :l okay, anyway back from 2 days 0 night camp. LOL. meaning that we have to go sch in the morning and go home at evening. lol. first dayy; mondayy it was damn bored :l okay, started off with knowing our members. and my grp got no guides. whyyyyy. and other grps got so many. mine got lots band. :l and then interaction. oh ya. my grp is texas. woohooo! yellow one. :D and. my partner very funny. go spell taxes. LOL. then were playing games. what so ever~ lalala~ finally lunch. then open up food. wth~ 1 fish ball, 1/6 of an egg. -.- and we see our right side, which was the choir. got fish, got meat, got vegetables. oh faint~! plus plus! they still got dessert. we dont have. and the dessert soooo nice~ mr chew let us eat. thanks! choir so xin fu~ then went up for chem. longg one~ 2hrs. :l will die. lol. i just dont understand. i gonna studyy on sun~ lol. it's time for me to rest not studyyyy. x: okay, before physics. had short chat with others. and the choir only say they pay $3. we pay $6. oh dearrrrrr. so pathetic. :l hahas. but very funny. jowy and i was like auntie. saying veryyy unfair. was like at the market i and the other person say the same amount of money but she got the bigger one then i complain. LOL. seriously funy. hahaha x: okay, and went back for debrief. seconday day; tueday. went hikingg. combined group. with xuanqi! :D. but our grp only got 4 people. so yingshan and cindy joined! yayyyyy! woohooo! :D okay, then hike hike lurhs. :x didnt walk what slope seahh. meaning we was lucking. and our group was like no energy derhs. only grp leaders. faint~ why arent they hyperrrrrr. :l then went back for dinner. the dinner was better thius time! got chiuken wing and hotdoggg :D Saturday, March 8, 2008
m0rning went d0 c0ntact. w00h00. finally man :D. but need wait next week then g0 take and als0 learn h0w t0 put. :D. okayy, went buy sch shoe. and one black sh0es as while. marmie brought for me and sis. oO. share one i mean :D.okay, and off to leon's house. was quite boring there. cause like nothing to do. guys were playing dont know what games. then, played 3 rounds of mahjong with chingyee, ruiyang and darren. and i won all. hahaha! x: around 4+ went h0me. okayy, todayy went eat at bed0k there t0 celebrate papa the birthdayy. i ate alot man. my stomach gonna burst :D. and went tu bugis with mama. brought sch bag. and one go out the bagg. thenthen, 3 clothinggg. i paid 1 myself! i'm proud of it. lol, i dont know why :D. i'm excited about tomorrow camp! :D but i'm afraid to be overtake. i wan to lead man! i want to know how does a leader feels like! x: Friday, March 7, 2008
haven been posting for dayys. lazy to :D. okayy, had 2.4 ytdd. runn 16.42 ]: 2 marks . ahh. i wann 3 marks leh. ]: but i keep stopping lehs x: but in the end i chiongggggg. and past by jowy . hahahah x: lol, and during pe do some exercise. i feel the pain man :lokay, then was chemistry. the whole class stinks man x: continue learning. and was amaths. mrs tan was talking behind mr ng and he suddenly come in. LOL. luckily he never heard. hahaha x: so cute sia x: and the remedial change to monday. why not wednesday ]: monday got camp lehs. i wan camp. i also wan remedial. x: recess. :D chingyee and cindy was talking about their father and brother. their one same one sia. LOL. so qiao x: unreasonable fathers. emaths. did filing and work too. guides. done the gadget making. oh yea. i know how to do liao. but yunqian ask us dont do because we wun be doing on that dayyy~ yipeeee. but if they ask then i dont know will ps one x: okay, and texas the color is yellow. oh yea x: i guess correct man. my six sense is back again :D. but i want marlene grp color. green! or pink or dark blue. all so nice. i wannnnnnn ]: after scho0l went tm with marlene xuanqi and chingyeeeeee. :D. went look for clothes. and in the end brought the one from bossini. the yellow without butterfly one left last one. and the size was S. lol. so small. then go try actually it was big. LOL. i want buy the darkblue and green one leh. very nice leh. ]:. okay, and we thought of the farewell party for guides. how kind of us man :D Tuesday, March 4, 2008
魔鬼中的天使,是天使中的魔鬼。Jowy's :D人的内心都有一个魔鬼和一个天使,魔鬼往往会左右我们的想法,二天士都会被控制住,但,终有一天,甜食会自由的!Xuanqi's. i cant remember xuanqi one, so done abit of edit. haha x: okayy, todayy have guides. and discuss for the camp. i'm a grp leader. so happy. because i requested :D. but my partner going for holiday, and i am a leader all alone at second day leh. TT. nbm, lamyan, it's a chance for you to learn to be a leader yourself. go lamyan! :D and no one wants sharifah to be the CL man. hahahah! so, xuanqi and jowy, you're gonna be :D Monday, March 3, 2008
schh was b0red t0dayyyy ]: was d0ing inference f0r ss t0dayy. h0w b0red. i need m0re practise. seriously! hmph. chemistry, given back pop quiz. 7/1o. oh dear. 2 is careless :l and 1 is needaaa the period table. oh dear. period table so important! so cher todayy then give. he still say we never ask. LOL, x: and study new chapterrr. yipeeee. i love it man x: i must love it in order to score well. that's what jowilynn had said. and, jowilynn, i wrote your name. :D bi0l0gy, ms ravee didnt c0me, s0 a relief tcher came. mr ng took one period because ms ravee didnt come. so evil of him. it's the second time x: okayy, did our own things, so emaths. i dont really understand tangents. oh dear. jiayou, lamyan. :D i keep repeating this in my post. haha :D recess. physics. mr chew didnt come. :D but needa do the workbook. juliet, athena, jowilynn, yonghui, fatima and me sit around jowilynn to do our work togetherrrrr. :D i knee down man. so kelian. lol, nbm! :D then we chat chat :D emaths, terribleeeeeeee. did the survey, and go thru the homework. dont know what she talking sia. they correct still say wrong x: funny seh she. and she's deaf x: got handphone ring also cannot hear. LOL, chinese. sleeping time! :D chinese is always time for me to sleep. and i did fall asleep. then when lesson end i auto wake up. so funny x: and jowilynn say she fall asleep when she sitting. without her head on the table. lol. i can imagine. it's funny. :D lunchh. englishh. g0 thru summary and learn informal letter. needa write tomorrow. ]: after scho0l went p0pular with j0wilynn. okayy, she asked me to said this. jowilynn, who came from mars, is funny :D. and she says she taller then me, how "real " :D . LOL, okay, but anyway, on the bus, we were abit talking crapp. since she's from mars. i asked her why dont she study over there, and she says there no school, but just water. wow, how cool of mars. only water but nothing man. :D and she have to drink it by licking it. how sad. x: and i came from jupiter. xD bigg enough, because i'm fat. woohooo x: then at the century square there sit down to chat while waiting for fatima and yonghui. chat quite alot:D and saw spectacles form the spectacles the shop. some of them so cute sehh! and one black spects suits her alot :D. which is round. HAHA. and i saw some spects very cool sia x: i wan. went see sunglasses. yonghui has already plan what she wants for her birthday, and where to go, and when we need go buy. lol, while she was dabian-ing. LOL. so i asked her dabian more so she can think of more. lol, cute sia x: went eat at longjohnn. saw quite alot of people. okayy, whiel walking to the inter, jowilynn was crazy. and i said i dont know her. then she say i last time say wo hui yong yuan ai zhe ni, zhi dao ba tou dao lao. LOL. i didnt say that! i only confess to her by saying i love you. that's all x: and she say i cheat her feelings. repeating over and over again. then i will have bad dream todayy. and wake up say i dont dare liao, jowyy. hahaha! x: then jowy says she dont love me anymore ]: but yonghui say she will love me, and also jowy, and alot more. she so hua xin. lol, hen chen guan xi. x: lol, jowy say ai wo again. woohooo. :D love me love me. oh yea oh yea :D not to forget, jowilynn says she was a first class lady. and her action was seriously funny. hahaha. making me laugh, can you stop making me so hyper? x: haha, nono. i want to be hyper. it's nice being hyper :D and she's more and more like me x: alot of expressions x: okay, they say i have a secretary look. oh really? i can make me boss laugh man :D but secretary must be capable. i cant ]: okay, again, jowilynn miss mars. i dont miss jupiter, because all my friends are here. i love my friends. woohoo! :D do you all love me as while? Sunday, March 2, 2008
went 0ut with chingyee and xuanqi just now :D went eat at the fo0d juncti0n. they eat the pasta quite big plate lahs. but i last time eat one not so big lehs. lol! x: then i eat the korean la mian :D i dont know i ate beef or chicken lehs. LOL, i scare sio x:then 0ff t0 bugis street. went buy the slippers. white one. yeaaaa. i want another one as while. the black one, another pattern one. save money! :D then als0 0ne cl0thing, same as xuanqi wore one. but another colorrrrr. :D and and watch, a pink one.:D wanted to buy bag, but no brown one. and i dowan white. later will get dirty mann. eg: zixuan's bag! x: although mine now also white. but mine is betterrr okayyyy. going bugis again, anyone can accompany meeee? i want go buy bagg. ]: and went library to do homework. done my amaths. but damn lot blanks. hahaha x: and and and. borrowed chinese books. ! :D all thanks to xuanqi. keep recommending. -.- but in e end only 2. :D and went home. damn hungryy. EAT LAMYAN, EAT! Saturday, March 1, 2008
cr0ss-c0untry t0dayyy. i did run okayyyy. and i got first 1oo. wooohooo x: . first man. lol, i felt so happy. lol, enough x: jiayou for next year. :D. okay, after cross-country, went have brekfast. mr chew's treat! thanks! :D then they all acc0mpant j0wilynn f0r her making 0f ic. then chingyee, kengyeow , weiqing and me went white sands shop shop x: went to0k ne0print, damn funny seah x: funniest of all neoprints i had taken. LOL, weiqing spoil the neoprint man! he always block chingyee face. LOL. then kengyeow is hide behind me. -.- d0rts d0rts. x: but it's was cute lah. HAHAHA X: then went arcade, playy basketball. but the person saw our PE, then we g0 0ffff. D: but we were smelly x: then g0 wats0ns g0 spray s0me perfume, at least 0vertake the smell 0f us :D and 0ff t0 weiqing h0uuse! :D kengyeow say wan change who we lyk, but i dont dare say. LOLOL. i only tell chingyeeeeee :D. but i dont know that's love anot la. LOL. i just want to see that guy nia x: nothing much. it's love i doubt. s0 f0rg0t ab0ut it. :D. played one round of mahjong and rested, really tired man :l because of cross-country bah. then weiqing went watch L change the w0rld with j0el they all. left kengyeow, chingyee and meeeeeee. lol. went h0me BATHE. :D then went chingyee h0use. then tm! very b0red. x: and kengyeow say he really really like athena alot! woohooo ! x: then went find weiqing and fwens at the arcade. see them play the car. LOL. no interest :D. then went tm 0ne. played cars, h0use 0f dead 2 and the hockeyy thingyy. LOL. very funny seah x: violent mann. x: then i also become violent liaos. dont know weiqing or kengyeow told me to be violent whatttt. so i just listennnnn. :D me and weiqing then chingyee andd kengyeow. lol. first 2 round we won! yayyyyyy. :D but next one they won. then got one play half then they was leading but suddenly got prob then restart lurhs. then it was a draw. then they keep saying what they shld win. lol. then i say, aiyah, rang ni men ying la. -.- then saw ahems. lol. idiotic guyyyyyy :D LALALA. XD. then 0ff f0r eating. damn hungry can :l and weiqing very disgusting mannn. :l he got the sound one. plus he wipe mouth still go use to wipe face. then lyk dat face got the mouth the dirty thinggy. x: then his fwen and him keep hitting one another. LOL. then went back, saw one clothing very nice. wanted to buy. but dont know suit me anotttt. :l sigh. :l i really envy some people, why can they be so clever, so good in sports and everything. unlyk me, none is good. although, they say none is perfect. but i do see some perfect people. i wanted to be like them as while. when can i be like them. i always asked myself. |
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