Monday, June 30, 2008
school! raman and fatima keep bullying me. roar. they say i bully also "eerrrrr" never bully also "eeerrrr" RUBBISH -.- and i was bullied by the both of them as i was sitting in the centre of them. oh faint. i want sit with twinne lene. lol!Oh yea, Marlene is now my twinnie lene! and i'm her twinnie yan. HOHO. i got a twin. very big reason! because i more and more alike her already. my actions, and i'm becoming slower. and no offence! and twinnie lene was like, why she see another of herself. LOL. then i say, lets be twin then :D go buy the little miss twin the shirt and wear it together one day okayy? :D and jowilynn said that twinnie lene and i was rou ma. LOL! ><> And, Fatima is my ah ma! she die die want be ah ma. LOL. because, she says she wanted to be the oldest. and her name is fa-ti-MA. i ask her be mother she dowan. oh well. and juliet is my jie :D hohoho. Yea, chinese lesson tcher wasnt here. and so we acted out something! we were practising how to confess to someone. and they ask me to pretend that they were star. LOL. and athena said that i said with feelings. WOOHOOO. I WON. :D but, i die die wont confess. i just dont dare larhs. then if get rejected no face. LOL! and i is wont confess the kind. girls who confess doesnt seem to __________ . and, i paste the paper with the word " wo xi huan ni " on my forehead, and they ask me to walk to him. LAUGHS. lol! okay, and i suspect that xinagrong like jowilynn. but. its a misunderstanding afterall:D Sunday, June 29, 2008
Okay, Chingyee told me about our family. And i shall post it. hahas.Little Miss Familyy (: Little Miss Science : Athena Little Miss Blur : Marlene Little Miss Angel : Yonghui Little Miss Xiang Tai Duo : Chingyee Little Miss Xiang De Kai : Cindy Little Miss Bai Chi : Xuanqi Little Miss Clever : Jowilynn Little Miss Giggles : Fatima Little Miss Xiao Jie : Lamyan Erm, some not accurate, likelike. xuanqi's not baichi. -_- Jowilynn is also an angel :D andand. idk why i xiaojie. chingyee say i got a xiaojie feel, isit because i got xiaojie pi qi. LOL. she say no eh. funny. but i should be stubborn :D ANDAND. Luan Luan Family, Sheeleng, Huiting, Huiqi, Esther, Priscilla. THEY ALL ARE LOVED :D Thursday, June 26, 2008
jowilynn didnt come to school todayyy, i miss youuuuu :Dschool was really boring today , without jowy LOL! Sound that she's very imp, and yea she is :D and, today ms ravee voice so cute. lol. she no voice already. so ms lin took overr. and. she had a bio project. the 8 of us , couldnt decide how to group. so we draw lots! 3 by 3. grouped with yonghui and marlene (:and jowy dont worry, you grouping with juliet and fatima (: after school went ntuc with remus fatima and yonghui. and fatima ask me pushed her so she can push remus. but in the end yonghui was the one who got pushed. SORRY YONGHUI >< color="#3366ff">remus took my book. and he say : dont touch me la. who want touch him. i wan my book only. and fatima say the word i can say was molest! cause i was very near to him. HAHA. FUNNY LA. Wednesday, June 25, 2008
![]() ![]() School todayyyyyyyy. Physics and Chemistry 3 period each today. FAINT! chemistry was fun today. mr ng brought the eno i think. then let us drink. i drank it let want vomit. then fatima they all dont dare drink already. haha. i'm the guinea pig again -_- nbm! haha (: then those buy go pour the powder into their mouth. xian si ta men. x: biology ask us draw the polar and camel. omg. idk how to draw la. do the groups. then i draw like shit. pregnant camel HAHAHA. then athena and juliet still say nice. dont patt my horse batt leh x: then see the sitting arangment. OMG. i sat so away from the rest of them. i alone eh. sad lah! during assembly writting messages with marlene again. she's my writing partner! :D and huiqi peek what we wrote. LOL. only, anyway, marlene is so poor thing. because of something (: after school went tampines mall with fatima, juliet and marlene. (: haha. saw jiana and ivy 4 times . LOL. We got lots of fate! :D okay, marlene was funnny lahhhhh. we call her so many times but she cannot hear. LOL. faints. andand. i brought another mango tank top. red one this time! :D Tuesday, June 24, 2008
![]() ![]() ![]() Okay, mrs shankar and mrs tan didnt come again -____- , so i still got the holidays mood. school was still as boring still :D After school went fatima house with marlene! i first time go! excited :D i say, i want to drink. fatima say, got coke and ice lemon tea. which one you want. i say i want coke. then i say hao yi si ma? fatima say, you at marlene house also self service one what. i say, marlene house is go many times liao, then take till xi guan liao. marlene say, very funny leh, heard you say hao yi si ma. LOL. Like i very zi dong lyk that sio! >_< went tampines mall after that. Marlene couldnt find a suitable shades. after all, no degree glasses suits her more. i will buy for you when you birthday get nearer. haha! :D AND. Fatima look damn pretty with long hair! fatima, dont cut your hairrrrrr. :D Joy, Hinko Marlenenyyyyyy,Li Na Lammy, Gerlene Monday, June 23, 2008
![]() ![]() Schoo reopen today! Cant wake up man :l okays, physics first period. time passes damn fast. haha. becuse mrs oh took part of thte time already. lol. english. tcher wasnt here. and do what intro. then i help huiting say her hobbies is laughing :D and helping athena say talking rubbish. but she used chemistry. roar! :l okay, and marlene, jowy and me was telling the rest about lawrence. HAHA. then jiana and fatima also want go find. then i say jiana is people song shang men lai derhs. then ask her leave some for us! HAHA ! ss next. tcher ask us discuss the tone and purpose for mrs oh said in the morning. i also dono. LOL. HAHA. recess. (: gave darren and leon their present. leon say he like it, then leon say darren like dont like it. OMG -.- i cry la. emaths,amaths. amaths the stupid tcher come again. because mrs tan didnt come today. omg. i want kill her. because i shout what.x: then scold meeeee. hmphhh mother tongue, me and marlene was writting letter. haha. we decided to write instead of saying. saying is dangerous. :l biology. tcher ask us write for the card thingy. i write i'm a good listening ear. AND THEY SAY I AM :D Went tampines mall with marlene after school (: went popular, mango , isetan and eat! :D we weere trying the clothing. out of 3, buy 1 nia. no money. haha! :D marlene look nice in the purple tank top. $7 nia -_- so cheap. i want also. but all the sizes is L . LOL. and the this fashion the dress i wan to buy!!!! oh ya. me and marlene were saying what presents to buy for our birthday. haha. :D and i lost my ezlink 2 times today -.- but found it both times. hahs
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Yesterday went celebrate esther birthday (: went huiting house to do homework first (: then went meet sheeleng and huiqi for lunch (: went esther house. we hide the domokun inside her cardboard. hahas. then she didnt notice! (: Went whitesands to take neoprints, since years we last took like that. HAHA. esther wanted badly because she said her friend wont take with her, dont worry. got us! :D Went ehub next. damn cold inside. luckily sheeleng got bring jacket for me. YAYYYY :D okay, played photo hunt , quite fun. haha! sheeleng ezlink missing. went look fir it. in the end at mrt there. lols. went esther house. celebrate. :D Friday, June 20, 2008
Went tampines mall with chingyee and yonghui just now . (: went buy darren and leon birthday present. okay, belated i mean. brought a necklace for leon and shirt for darren. cause always see darrenn wear the hook w/o sleave der -_______- okay, hope they like it :Dokay, they wanted to go jogging later, so i went home first. (: and i wanted to buy the mango tank top and puma shorts! offer nowwwwwww. :D i'm broke now. anyone can spare me money -___- . Thursday, June 19, 2008
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Tuesday went chalet around 9+ . reach then leon they all not at the chalet. ask them come fetch us cause inside all darren's relatives. lols. then went arcade. see them play car very funny. cannot sit mingshun's car. surely will happen thing one. lol. then play basketball. also cannot hit 150 one ): forever lyk that. LOL. okay, then 12 went watch kungfu panda! (: and its darren's birthday. and we didnt know. so say happy birthday to him at 12! see we so nice! :D but he very leng dan -.- didnt buy present uh. lol. next time (: very funny. hahas! they keep saying that's mingshun. poor thing. x: then went back play mahjong till 5 . darren got play chips then got motivation so can win. LOL. Then in the end he won lah. haha! next day, woken up by cindy's call at 9.40. i told her to come later and then 9 jiu come le. lol. funny sio her. hahas. wanted to go escape but it was too ex . so didnt go ): so went back play mahjong again. then 1 like that yonghui and xueyi came. and we played murderer. haha. the bed so weird one. keep got something missing. but got found in the end. then jeremy shawn and zesiong came too. played mahjong and murderer. ze siong keep lookin at my tiles. so i looked at his as while . lol . then 7 xuanqi came and they went home. left yonghui xuanqi chingyee and me. lols. then eat and helped bbq. i cant help because i wearing contact. then later melt. eeee! lol! okay, then darren's family came to celebrate his birthday. happy birthday darren! :D and i forgot to take pictures with them . faints. picture in his sis camera. lols . then went watch movie. the incredible huk. damn violent. but very nice as while. very loud. then the hand suddenly come out i scare dao. lol. i dont really understand the show. lucky got leon explain. thankyou leon (: and leon very cute ah. lol. he got cover his eyes. haha. idk is want make me laugh or really scare. LOL . Went back, MAHJONG AGAIN. HOHOHOH. lol. but got some guys very irrtating. think is darren's cousin. lol. then played dai di with leon and his friend. idk what his name. lol. 2+ went play bowling. they all dowan play. so only darren ruiyang and me played. darren so cute can. he just liek thta roll one. still can get so high somemore. LOL. at there damn cold can. keep shivering. lol. and thanks darren for helping me pay half of the price. thankyouuuuu. (: yay yay. i won for both round. xueyi treat us lolipops :D but i eat abit only then drop on floor. so sad! ): then went back mahjong again. ruiyang gave me his lolipop. yayyyyy. thankyou ruiyang! :D i wait for him open then i say i want. :P okay, then 5+ went sleep. 9+ wake up then check out. wake up the time mingshun and leon gone liao. i never say bye bye leh. LOL. aNyway, thanks darren for the chalet. Eh, and i know the mistake i had made . lols. chingyee know as while. we wont make it again (:
Tuesday,got guides. went Marlene house and went school with her. Took bus and reach Seng Kang CC. At there listen to 2 lecture. then find one guy quite cute. LOL. no have what what . LOL . what i talking. nbm . tehn got test and role play. he one of my instructor. yayy. jowy jealous rightttt? :D okay, then go home the time so crazy -.- then chen shan got his no.! thankyou chen shan. i scare so i run away. sorry aww x: but he erally very nice leh! okay, i dowan say more. ask me if want to know more x: Read chenshan's blog for more details. i no face type out already. cause very paiseh >< Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Lot to post, yea.Monday, went zoo with fatima athena and marlene(: i lazy to blog more. pictures says everything. (: |
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