Saturday, August 30, 2008
Athena, One who's like a sister who bully others! LOL. Seriously, but yet, she's clever, pretty, slim, tall, rich, shiny eyes. AND ONE MORE, She has a pair of vampire eyes. So cool :D The way she speaks chinese make my day, serious. No offence or what :D And, she teaches me life, on the piece of paper from xuanqi's book . HAHA. She gets crazy easily as while ! :DChingyee, My beloved Dar. She's over sensitive. But, thats means she care about the friends around her. Friends are almost, but not yet all, everything to her. She'll treat you really well if you treat her like a friend! :D Just think at the postive side, and everything's gonna be alright :D Cindy, My Laopo. Haha. She always cheer me up whenever i'm unhappy. Whenever i had a secret or something unhappy, i tell her first. Haha. No matter how unhappy i can be, she had a way of making me happy. Thanks. :D She makes me trust her, i dont know why :D Fatima, My ah ma! :D She's like a big sister taking care of us! Opposite of Athena, But yet, she's alike to athena. They both have lots and lots of good points :D Andand, she love to laugh! :D She's the one who consoling both Marlene and me. Haha, thanks alot, fatima :D Jiana, THE PRETTY ONE. :D She also has alot of good points, pretty, slim, good voice , intelligent. I envy her eh! :D Especially her voice, make me fall in love with her. Haha, but, i'm a girl. If only i'm a guy~ LOL. :D Ivyy, The hot one! :D She's so so so hot. Just like a model. She's born to be a model :D Jiayuan, Daddyyyyy. :D He's the one who always say i'm fat. LOL. but i know he didnt mean that. LOL. Just playing around~ I feel pity for him because he's sitting beside two horny guys , which makes him horny as while. Oh, so sad. LOL. Jowilynn, She get stress easily, and lose her temper because of this. But i know, its not her fault. :D She's a very very very good listener, sure :D And she's a good singing partner as while! :D Juliet, she's a calm one. She's good in both her languages! Woots, so cool :D She's humble. She is much better then who she think she is. She's a good listener and will give you her opinion as while. And, she never makes you sad! :D Marlene, she's my twin! She's not as happy as she looked, behind every tears, there is a story. Food is her favourite, without food, its the end of the world. Haha. You have to be very patient with her, or else, you cant be her friend. Haha. She's my singing partner as while. :D Okay, thats why she's my twin! :D Michelle, my slow eating partner! :D One who is nice to talk with, whenever you are bored, she can entertain you. Haha. She loves to eat sakae sushi. :D Remus, The one who always teaches me alot of life. Almost one day a story. But thanks to the story, i grew up quite a lot. He's very horny as while. OMG. LOL! Most importantly, He like hot girls! :D Xiangrong, AH GONG! Always trying to make me fall down with his leg sticking out! LOL. He, together with remus and jiayuan never fails to make me laugh with their so call quarrelings. Haha. Really enjoy sitting infront of them. Rumors with ahems ahems! LOL. Xuanqi, She's completely differnent from what she look. She seem to be a strong girl, but inside her, she's not. She's one who always like the read those chinese story books. LOL. I was affected by her over a period of time. Haha. Yonghui, she's an angel. Haha. She always thinks for others :D Friday, August 29, 2008
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() HAPPY TEACHERS DAY :D Haha, exercise in the morning, so boring. LOL. So we went to the toilet. HAHA. And then, Big breakfast! We serve them eh! LOL. :D How nice of us, Haha! Concert, Class chairman have to go infront. So boring there. LOL! At least got the performance entertain me. LOL. The rugby will scare people to death. LOL. Someone so infront. I scare they will jump down and step on us. LAUGHS! Went Poiching, Marlene and Michelle's Primary School, to eat! LOL. So nice eh the food. Their school the wall alot of things. LOL. Vyer hua qiao~ But nice ah :D I feel that i'm tall man. The sin and the wall are so short. HAHAHA :D Then went my house with Huiting , Huiqi and Marlene. Huiqi fall asleep. LOL. So have to wait for her to wake up. Haha! Then Huiting and I were discussing about next year class tee! Woots! I think its cool eh. Someone the colour is my favourite :D Then also discussing about the awards for our class. :D Went huiqi house then, play mahjong! I felt sleepyyy. Dont know why. haha! Then badminton, Yea, my favourite. Dont know how long didnt play alreadyyyyyy! Thursday, August 28, 2008
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Mother tongue teacher today last day teaching us! OMG. So sad eh, she teach very goodddddd! But, sigh. And she said she's coming back next year, but not sure whether is it coming to Junyuan or not. Sigh. And worst come to worst, oujr new chinese teacher is the HOD. Omg, will faint eh. Then must combine with 3e4. :l I dowannn herrrrrr! T.T I told cher that the only good thing is got air-corn, nothing else! Laughs! And yea, photos taken. Haha! :D I got sore eyes again. Twice this month already, laughs! All because of those 3 horny guys behind me lah! Keep saying those thinggggg, no wonder i got sore eyes lah! LOL. Say what i very flat. LOL. So big for what, later too heavy, then bumb to people. LOL. Omg, I becoming honry also eh. Omgomgomg! LOL. Collect money, they say i like loan shark! LOL. Where got loan shark so kind one. LAUGHS. Then the Naif And Farruddin keep taking my money. LOL. CME yesterday was funny eh, sexual one. LOL. Then ms ravee want people to demostrate whether say yes or no to sex. LOL. Then Xuanqi very funny eh. Say people say very pain one. LOL! And, I found out that i'm not bad at planning people's birthday. And i always know what they want and buy for them. Okay, is they say one, But! I do remember okay! And Marlene said cannot dont have me okay! Or else her present how! LOL. :D Sunday and Wednesday, So excited :D 谁还记得, 是谁先说, 永远的爱我。 Friday, August 22, 2008
Pe, played netball, quite fun eh . LOL. Except that the ball cant get in the net. Haha! Remus and Xiangrong very funny . Gibson pushed Xiangrong, and he said, eh, cher, he push me. LOL. So funny! Haha. :D Fatima cheered for me, lamyan , lamyan , i love you. HAHA. LOL. Geography do the debating. The Minister come for less than 5 minutes, just to listen to remus speech only. Haha. Anyway, their debate very funny eh, especially Nathaniel, somemore he dig he nose. Omg. :l Anyway, Proposition win. Haha. Opposition very poor thing eh, no supporter. Their researcher didnt help laaaaa! LOL. Got lah, Xiangrong. He keep saying Ok, Ok. LOL. He and Athena debate against each other eh! Haha . Can entertain us man . :D After school went Michelle house. Eat spaghetti. Played Monopoly, Oh well, always Remus win one what. So, :D Then went for the research test. Took the english one, luckily. Easier okay! Unlike the maths one. haha. :D I dont know what i doing. Haha, so do people-watching! Haha, Looking at Remus and Jowilynn's face, they look stress. Haha, Juliet look relax. :o Then Jiayuan keep smiling. LOL. Went tampines mall with Fatima , Athena And Marlene. :D Fatima and I were playing arcade till very high! Haha. Especially the house of dead 4. LOL. And the basketball cannot hit 150 one. :l The fighting one most funny one! We chose the girl, named Julia. He hit the guy always hit their there one. LAUGHS. HAHAAH. Went Fatima house. She keep lying us where her house is! Lol. Watch the table tennis! Aiyah, Singapore lose eh. So sad sio :l Marlene keep saying that China will win, CHI LI PA WAI ah you! Haha. Joking :D Fatima keep cheating my feeling eh! Say the one i detest won, but no eh! The no.1 still no.1 YAY :D 既然着世界上没有天长地久, 那我也只在乎跟你在一起的时光。 Thursday, August 21, 2008
Sick, Sick. Everyone's sick. Including me. Afterall, i still get infected. After one week. Not bad already okay, can maintain so long. But, Got ferver, and so high. Lol, but now's okay. Thanks Athenaaaaaaa!:DSwenses yesterday with Michelle, Athena, Marlene, Remus and Jiayuan. Okay, we took a long to decide what to eat actually. Eating with them's fun. HAHA :D Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Gah, I'm so moody today. Something seriously happened to Marlene and I today. We felt insulted. Gah, and i even cried over it. Can you really think about my feelings? :l Theres a limit, mind you. Cindy, you are really one who can encourage people, you can make me throw away my troubles and back to my own self. Thanks alot, really. :D Those three guys sitting behind me, Xiangrong, Jiayuan And Remus are super pervertic! LOL. They asked me alot of questions about girls having period. LOL. So pervert eh! Why they need to know, they also wont have. Laughs! Looks like everyone is getting flu, haha. People around me i mean. LOL. I hope it doesnt reach me. :l Laughs, but is not i transfer the disease one. LOL. :D 丢下我开心的假面具,你会看到伤痕磊磊的我。 一个人在笑的时候,比不一定是真的。 可能,他笑得越多,哭得越多。 Saturday, August 16, 2008
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Went springfield. For gift carnival. OMG. Go there, aand must play the sit the game. I cannot already then i cry. LOL. Tears keep falling, Dont want to stop. Plus my leg shivering. LOL. Then Went one side first. Haha. But very xin ku. Then finally stop crying. HOHO:D Gah, Then the xiangrong plus dont know who, Keep laughing at me. AHHHH. LOL. Also not i dont want. Is cannot what. And Xiangrong even act vomiting infront of me. I also never vomit .________________. Okay, then captain ball. Gah, we so lousy. Haha. But at least got tryyy rightttt!:D Then, Miss anita treat us MAC. :D WOOOTS. So nice of her. Haha :D And we were discussing what would we do if we go 1 million. HAHA. Me and Chingyee same one. HAHA. We would shop shop, buy buy buy clothings, shoes.. Do spa, facial, slimming and hair treatment. HAHA. I Will treat all my friends to a high class restaurant and eat! WOOHOOO. :DThen Marlene said she would buy alot alot of food. Jowy say she would save and buy alot of books. Xuanqi want alot love storybooks. LOL. :D How if its true, 1 million. HAHA. I WANT THE HOODIE. OMGOMGOMG. LOL. Heart shape one, although not very nice, but i still like eh, omg. LAUGHS. And Jowy called JIAYUAN so loud when saw him. Make me laugh eh. He still thought is i call one. Laughs. If is me wont call, I go hit okayyy :D Friday, August 15, 2008
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SIMMYYYYY XUANQI :Dgave her present, almost all red. haha. hope she like it eh. CAUSE HER FAVOURTITE COLOR. HAHA :D okay, school todayyyy. fatima didnt come! And i missed her eh! LOL. 1 day only sio x: OMG, i cannot live with fatima. LOL. so serious eh. haha! :D LOL. Very funny eh. They say know why Jiayuan open tong xin yuan. Because i'm the ruan mian mian. LOL. But, they say ruan mian mian very pretty and tall, unlike me. EH! I'M UGLY, but i'm not short okay! Went cca for one hour, and then left. Haha. Caause go collect passport. At the canteen, The raman and xiangrong keep bullying me. Take my water bottle and pass to each other. I cannot take back one eh! So evil. I TELL FATIMA AH XIANGRONG. LOL! Raman, i dont know tell who. laughs! My passpotr photo like shit eh. So ugly, so old. OMGGGG! Thursday, August 14, 2008
From Sheeleng's Blog :DMay i present you now.......... the QUIZ. 1)Are you useless? Yea, I'm cant get anything right. 2) Where will you go if someone sponsors you a tour ticket? Paris. 3)What are the favourite things you do? Shoppinggggggg:D 4) Do you think money can buy you happiness? No, But without money, I defintely will have no happiness! LOL. 5) Do you think your little wish that is kept in your heart will be fufilled? I hope can, But i know, It wont happen. 6) Do you think you can survive without any money? I will die. 7) What are you most afraid to lose? Friends. 8) If you win $1 million, what would you do? Shop Shop Shop! Buy Buy Buy ! 9) What do you dream of doing in the future? Tai-Tai! LOL. fat hope man x: 10) List out three good points of the person who tagged you. Good Listener. Caring. Kind. 11) Who makes you happy? Thirteen:D 12) What kind of person do you love most? Caring person. 13) What do you want now? I need a rest. 14) What will you do if you are being rejected by someone you love? Forget about him, and find another who is even better :D 15) What do you think is the most important? Friends. 6) If it's the end of the world, what will it be your last wish? Go to every corner of the world and leave my name there! Confess to the one i like! 17) If you have a chance to choose, would you want to go back in time? Yea 18) If you can meet anyone, who will it be and why? 白马王子。 19) Are you courageous enough to tell the person you like him/her? Why yes/no? No, I just.. Dont dare. And i believe that, Girls should not confess :D Okay, i'm old fashion lahhhh. lol! 20) What does the person you love do to make you happy and you won't really forget? If i like him, even he's just beside me, I will be happy :D INSTRUCTIONS: Remove one question from above and add in your personal question.make it a total of 20 question then tag five people in your list.List them out at the end of this post.Next, notify them in their chat box that he/she has been tagged. Anyone :D
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