Saturday, January 31, 2009
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Meet Huiting and Xueyi and inter, then go meet the rest at opposite school (: Then, walked to Mr Chew's house. My leg hurts ahhhh~ Because of the high heels . Ktv at his house, haha, so fun eh! (: Many people were there, then ang baos, sure spent alot one~ omg . Gah, quite sad eh, probably i too excited already, then >< Lamyan, dont put in too much hope in the future (: Mr Chew still thinking about the no dsicount of shoes in Isetan . And, he called my roasted pig! >< Few of us went Mr Ang KK's house while the rest when their another tcher's house at pasir ris . Mr Ang v funny, haha . Say fatima is a boy. Laughs! Played 1 round of mahjong and dk where the tiles gone to . LOL! Mr Ang speaks chinese at home :o So shock, okay, his children really cute, especially the head, so nice to touch (: Okay, i no reputation already. Fatima say I got 5 children, and the father is Remus, omg ._. Its not true okay, LOL. Then Mr Ang say Lamyan you also want . Huiting say nobody wants me! ): LOL! Okay, I think Fatima kan wo bu shuang! Angbao, hohoho . He say wished everyone get A, then i get pass only . Where got like that! Omg! LOL. Funny lah him . Haha, why didnt he teach us ): Just because he didnt teach Amaths before ): And, must be both Emaths and Amaths tcher, so.. ): I think he much better than Ang KS. LOL. x: Went Fish and Co to find the rest, while Fatima, Athena, Remus and Marlene went home . Eat, and then went home (: I want go tchers house bai nian again! So fun eh, hahahah! (: Will upload the rest of the photos when they send me (: 我可以画一个圈 把自己关在里面 把回忆挡在外面 却不能停止想念 Friday, January 30, 2009
![]() I'm here to sms happy birthday to her~! Yay, so happy. hahahah (: Nothing much happened in lesson, oh, and i failed my first amaths test (: LOL . Guides was rather fun today, because of captain's ball . Haha, i think i screamed too much. And then, sand happy birthday song to zixuan! Hoho! (: Happy mah, (: Then, even do some actions for anotehr song. Woots, i very gu dai~ LOL! Marlene say didnt take picture while wearing guides shirt before, so took photos! (: Watch wedding game today, omg, super nice . Its more than a funny show (: I love it so much, omg . Fatima, you wouldn't have expected what had happened during the movie :o 满园玫瑰 我以为 找到我那一朵 认真爱了 却狠狠 刺伤我的双手 责备什么人也没有用 Thursday, January 29, 2009
![]() Im a big fan of Jowy and Jiana! LIBRA - The Lame One Nice to everyone they meet. Their Love is one of a kind. Silly, fun and sweet. Have own unique appeal. Most caring person you will ever meet! However, not the kind of person you want to mess with... you might end up crying... Funny/Clown Personality Type You relate to people with laughter. When you make friends, you crack a joke, if you’re feeling insecure, you make fun of yourself before anyone else does, and when your date is laughing non-stop, you feel like you’ve made a good impression. You like having an audience. Humor is your greatest and most prominent gift. 回头想起一切都还像昨天 我还天天对你生气 板着脸 时钟才转几圈 有了转变 缘分太妙不可言 Wednesday, January 28, 2009
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Happy Chinese New Year (: Sunday went around Tampines Mall for my dress, but couldn't find. Ending up buying accessories . LOL . Starbucks' New York Cheese Cake was nice. Woots, my first time eating it. (: Rather boring for the 2 days of new year, i was really unstable wearing my high heels . So high, made me look tall . Weekends gonna be a day for us to go teacher's house to bai nian (: Brought a dress from Isetan afterall for saturday, JOWY GONNA WEAR SKIRT. OMGOMGOMG! Im so excited now (: Omg, today my heart beats faster x: 我怕时间太快 不够将你看仔细 我怕时间太慢 日夜担心失去你 恨不得一夜之间白头 永不分离 Friday, January 23, 2009
![]() ![]() ![]() Time to blog again, after having 2 terrible test yesterday. Mr Ang said that the previous test was disgusting, so perhaps yesterday tset gonna be extremely disgusting . LOL . Get really funny when Raman bullied Nathaniel . He kept on saying Nathaniel's book which wrote he likes Bernice and Huiting is with me when its actually with Din . Just want to bully him , funny eh . He really thought with me and kept on pestering me . 4E3 Girls can be good friends because we all liked to sing, haha! :o I envy Jiana, her voice realyl nice. omg, please dont waste it, go join something the next timeeeee! Sort of high in the hall when we kept on singing cai shen dao, omg. Mr Kim and Mr Khong act like cai shen! And really alike . Haha! We got the 3rd price for the decoration, then shotued very long till my throat pain . Heard someone saying 3rd price only so happy . Laughs, not happy is feel like screaming only x: Omg, i head Iqbal saying, 4e3 go home study lah . LOL , qi si wo le~ Mr Ang is quite humour actually, today after school had lesson with him . Then he super funny , abit gay also x: Esp when he say not me, not you, is the head . LOL ! Omg, Jowy's one looked so nice now. And, i saw him Ivy. ._. Went TM with Fatima, Huiting and Zixuan . Okay, Zixuan poured my coke on the floor :o LOL . Didnt watch movie witht hem because its expensive x: Oh, completed Journal, wrote all 6 entries about Thailand, one in a day. Haha! Missed Thai again ): And, Fatima is offically in love with Q . 如果要经历失去的痛苦 失去的 可不可以 不是你 Tuesday, January 20, 2009
![]() Sunday went Bugis street and Fareast to accompany Huiting and Chingyee for their new year clothings . Whats wrong with sunday, super many people at bugis street, cant even cross the traffic light . Chingyee brought one dress which is $15, quite nice (: Huiting and I brought the same clothing, can wear to visit teacher on the 31st (: Yesterday, voting for the class committee . Felt pity for Nathaniel, he almost cried because he wasn't choosen for the chairperson . Found myself evil not objecting him be the chairman . LOL, but none of the girls like him, and find him rather irritating ._. I broke Yonghui's ruler today ): I thought it was mine then keep bending, and in the end, it broke and my hand bleed ): Changed of seats as while, many were unhappy of their new one . Not much different actually, but very squeezy :l CCA was really miserable today. Having drills in the hot sun, Eileen was really funny, Instead of left and right, she said hui jia , lol! Dont know isit old or what, cant seem to march anymore x: Marlene asked why are we marching at the back of the classroom, too lousy then cannot face people isit? LOL . We are trying our best lahhhhhh~ (: 好好地珍惜眼前的一切 别等到你失去了 才来后悔 才来抱怨 Friday, January 16, 2009
I realise i had mood swing . I can be high at this moment, and sad at the other moment . Today is one, suddenly cried in the toilet . Perhaps i know the reason, but .Super tired at guides today, didnt talk much actually . Supposed to go bugis with Ivy and Jiana but i was too tired to go, sorry. Not in the mood for anything right now, i just wanna a rest . Just random, knowing who isnt your real friend isn't difficult , by the way they think about you, misunderstanding you . 爱应该是要勇敢去追 就不后悔 只要不后悔 真爱就会变得更美 Tuesday, January 13, 2009
PE yesterday, ran 4 rounds instead of 5 rounds, but bigger round because we cant run on the grass patch . Still had to climb up 4 storeys up to our classroom . We were delighted when we saw the light coming from the 4th floor. LOL. :DSeniors got their results . Many cried . But, Paul's brother is the top student for 2008 . Congrats to him . Haha :D Really clever . Felt so stress :l No one believed me, forgetting the small little crush, but me myself also cannot believe . Because it comes and goes whenever . I need tags on my tagboard :D 爱是一种需要 却不一定要得到 只要你觉得开心就好 Friday, January 9, 2009
Changed of timetable, starting from next week onwards. Ohmy, Everyday must see Ang KS. More tests is coming up the next week, and here it goes my time to rest. Because, its amaths test ): I dont think i can catch up. And also Biology, i regretted not dropping it last year, so i might just drop it during the mid year. PE on the monday, the longest day, the more tiring day. Our luck man. :l Went TP after school today. They were really high, omg, i envy them, can be so high, unlike at secondary school . Okay, i want to go TP now, taking the business course. But, im not sure whether i can get in or not. I want to get 12 and below, with a pass in english. ): Go Lamyan, you can do it. Andand, i got an english name, Joanne. Somehow rather tired after walking all the schools except the Humanities one. Marlene and I went back first. And, the rest continue their tour :o Our seniors are getting their results on monday, all the best for them (: 闭上眼, 去感觉。 淡淡的思念, 其实很美。 Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Watched Twilight with Huiqi, Huiting and Sheeleng yesterday. Rush off to Ehub after our lessons, faints. Was late about 15 - 20 minutes, missed those infront one. Omg, super cool bodoh x: Though i dont really understand what they talkinig, cause v fast. LOL. :D Ohya, in school, i remembered saying Miss Tham 很不 Miss Tham, then she heard it. LOL. x: Because of her hair most probably. And in Thailand, she wore very casual. Presentation is on thursday. Woots, good luck for those luh, im only reserve, hahahaha. So, no worries :D GirlGuides is disbanding in the 2011. I dont really have any feeling before today. But, suddenly felt so sad, because very poor thing. Afterall, she had been in Guides for 3 whole years. Woots, and I found out that i sometimes will go crazy. LOL. x: Ivy, you are making me 心痒痒! Why tell me this news. LOL. But cant go, and dk what time they go. Walao, Chingyee super lucky luh~ None of these good tings happen on me. Faints. :l Why dont they take their pay on the 31st of Jan ? x: No more Little Nyonya! ): Super sad eh, She didnt get with Chenxi, and instead, Chenxi married Libby. She's not bad either, compared to Zhenzhu. I really dont understand eh, why she dowan accept him, and goes England with him and give birth half a dozen. ARGH. Zuye is Robert's child, Not Smith! He still want kill his own child. Omg. But he's cute in real life :D 爱是一种需要 却不一定要得到 只要你觉得快乐就好 Saturday, January 3, 2009
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Went Bugis Street with Camilla, Careen and Cindy. 3C! x: Brought a couple keychain of mickey and minnie! Very cute eh, they will close their eyes when they kissed each other! Omg, so sweet. Haha! Went looked around Bugis Street for Cindy's new year clothes . Nowadays clothings at Bugis Street really not nice already. x: I wanted to buy a skirt, but i didnt bring enough money today. ): Omg, i want to buy the high heels at the Bugis Junction! We were scrubbing our hands on the MRT. LOL. Thats the removal of hair thingy. Haha! Then alot people looking at us, omg, im shy x: Went Isetan while Cindy went home. Talked to our old friends. Haha! Missed some of them only, lol! x: The 2 Malay guys, similar name, different character :o 眼泪在昨天 昨天永远只是一个缺
![]() Yesterday was the first day of school. One word, boringgg. booooooh. LOL . Mrs Oh's speaking again. Gah . We had a new form teacher, Mdm Wong . We seemed to be much better than Miss Ravee who told Mdm Wong that we owed her money. Our classroom is on the 4th floor, everyday must climb till ._. I scare i one day will waslked into 4e6's classroom because its super similar to 3e3's one. Super happy when 12.25's bell rang. LOL! :D Went Ikea with Fatima, Marlene and Michelle. Had some fun over there before meeting Athena and Remus at Giant. Next station, Steamboat at Remus' house! Woots. Ate alot, super full. Haha! My hand was full of the smell of lime. Oh faints. Oh, and i think i shouted alot :D Played monopoly. Results is, nobody won. Haha! Everyone insist not selling their houses to the next party. And, there was like6 of us playing. So. :D Athena, Fatima and I loved each other alot that we slept on the same bed, hugging one another. LOL, Sounded les, but we are not :D Ended up home around 10 plus. What a wonder memories again :D 回忆在从前 |
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♥ Lamyan![]() 南雁 6 October, Her day 4e3, Roses, Girlfriends, Memories (: 可不可以 让我练习 心碎时候有笑脸 等着他已走远 才能落下眼泪 Leave. Email. ♥ Music
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